As you know, we’re still in the British Virgin Islands. As you also may have guessed, my normal life is very full of tasks, projects and exciting business ventures that I love. I’m always busy and rarely slow down. I came down here to sail, relax and write. Well, two out of three isn’t too bad, is it? I haven’t found the time to write quite yet.

I’ve actually taken off for the last few days – no email, no telephone- and decided to be a human BEING rather than a human DOING.
Instead of reading email I’ve been watching the sunrise from the bow of a boat. Instead of writing blogs, I’ve been watching the moon grow ever fuller, knowing that I must return home just after the full moon party. Instead of interviewing Luminaries, I’ve been talking to the fish and sea creatures I meet when I snorkel. I’ve been playing in the ocean, sailing on the waters and truly appreciating the blessings in my life. Friends, family, love, the wonder of nature, and my connection to something so much bigger than me… feeling overwhelmed with gratitude.
It’s been a beautiful getaway not just physically but spiritually as well. I visited one of my favorite places on the planet, a 12-mile island called Anegada. I have a special beach there that I love, for I’m the only one on it. It stretches across the northeastern portion of the island for miles and miles. No houses, no development, no people. I’ve walked it many times- and I’ve never come across another human being or human doing on this beach.
My beach is strewn with a beautiful array of seashells, sea fans, and treasures from the sea. It’s hard to keep walking because of the beauty surrounding me at each step. I could spend hours there poking into the world at my feet. An occasional crab runs from his hole into the water and makes me laugh. Seagulls follow and sing to me. It’s the most peaceful place I know.

As I was walking along, alone in this paradise, I felt so connected to the Universe. I actually said out loud to myself, “I could stay here for a month and just write”. I took another 5 or 6 steps, looked up and there was a purple sign saying “For Rent”. Not only have I never noticed this house before- I’ve never seen ANY house before on this beach! I was there just three months ago and I’d swear that house wasn’t there. But here it was, in front of me, and for rent! The owner even put a small box out on the beach with plastic cards with the telephone number and email address of this beautiful little haven. Of course I picked one up! I felt as if I created this beautiful house just for me! Never saw it before- asked for a place to write and POOF- here’s a house right where I want it to be. I love how this works!
With everything we’ve got going right now it may not be tomorrow, but I know I will visit this beautiful place and I will write here. And until then, I will take the joy that I feel from just walking on this beach back home with me. I will look at a photo and remember the profound gratitude that seems to bubble over and leak from my eyes every time I’m there.

And as much as I love the snowy mountains of Boulder, I always know that there’s a beach in the Caribbean with my name on it, just waiting for me. Let me know if you want to join me. I’m sure there’s room for both of us and I’m willing to share it with you.
Sending you warm breezes and sunshine, from the British Virgin Islands. If you feel a little sand in your shoes today, it’s my fault. ☺
Literally, your last line here made my eyes well up.
Your joy and gratitude transcended the miles.
Thank you so very much for sharing, it’s been far too long since I’ve seen, felt and talked with the ocean.
Oh I just love that… I have a cottage like that… but not right now.
I went back to Marin for a visit last spring. I was chatting to my older daughter, reminiscing about the days when we used to have a cookie and tea at that cafe or sit for a bowl of gelato at the other place over there. I told her that I always dreamed of coming back to this town and just writing. As we rounded a corner, there was a yellow and white cottage for rent. I always dreamed out loud of having a yellow cottage with white trim and white picket fence with a garden to dig my hands into. Standing right in front of it, I was speechless. Not my daughter. She looked at me and said, “Oh My God, MOM!”
I will be there one day. I’m not sure when, but I know that’s my home… just not right now…
Gail… Thanks for sharing. If you can manifest a cottage on Anegada, I have a lot to learn from you. I love goosebumps stories. Thanks also for the photo of Abundance (complete with prayer flags, yes?) I am working on a sister ship for her to be called Charity or Prosperity…