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The Town Board of Yorktown New York approved a “Make A Promise Day” resolution of February 15, 2011. Based on that official proclamation, here’s a draft “Make A Promise Day” proclamation that I encourage other towns, cities, counties, states and countries to adapt and adopt to inspire others to make and keep their promises.

Whereas, Make a Promise Day is the only unofficial “holiday” dedicated to personal empowerment, goal achievement and integrity enhancement; Whereas, Make A Promise Day encourages individuals to turn important goals into heartfelt promises thereby increasing the probability of reaching those goals; Whereas, celebrating Make A Promise Day will have the effect of enhancing accountability, personal responsibility and integrity; Whereas, the (INSERT JURISDICTION/OFFICE) recognizes the value of highlighting the power of making and keeping promises on the part of local students, teachers, community organizations, businesses and political leaders; Now therefore be it resolved, that the (INSERT JURISDICTION/OFFICE) hereby designates and proclaims May 4th of 2011 and each year thereafter to be “Make A Promise Day” and encourages organizations and individual members of the community to celebrate “Make A Promise Day” in a manner they deem to be suitable and appropriate.

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Matthew Cossolotto (aka "The Podium Pro") is a former aide to House Speaker Jim Wright and Congressman Leon Panetta. He worked as a CEO-level speechwriter at MCI, Pepsi-Cola International, and GTE. The author of HabitForce! and All The World’s A Podium, Matthew is a guest speaker, speechwriter, and speech coach.

He is the creator of "Make A Promise Day" (May 4th -- May The Fourth Be With You!) and author of a forthcoming book about The Power of Making a Promise with a foreword by Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

Matthew offers several Personal Empowerment Programs (PEPTalks) to corporations, colleges/schools, conferences, associations, and government agencies. His top three PEPTalks are: The Power of Making a Promise, The Joy of Speaking, and SUCCESS Is An Inside Job. His latest program is called "A Promise A Day – 30 Days to a Promising Future" to help others make life-changing personal empowerment promises.

For more information, please visit

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