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Each day on our website,, we ask our Luminaries to share the greatest things they’ve learned in life, in 500 words. Yesterday, I wondered what folks would say if they have to pass on a lifetime of wisdom in just 140 characters. So, I asked this question on Twitter and here are some of the responses.

This is also a great list of interactive real people that you might want to follow. We made all of the names live links to make it easy for you. If you like the wisdom, follow them, or just follow them all. Either way, I hope you enjoy the wisdom. ☺

Here’s the question:

What’s your greatest wisdom that you’d give to the world in 140 char? Thanks for sharing!

And here are the more than 100 brilliant responses (in the order in which they were received…):

@globalhugtour One planet, one world, one love. Our world is very small. Love others. Hug someone. We are all one.

@elainestarling If it feels like work, you aren’t playing enough.  Find the joy in THIS moment and your life will ROCK!

@pauserefresh If the world were listening: Give more than you get. Love, Smile, Be kind.

@TeresaMarks Open your heart and love completely.

@nichelady What would I say? Anticipate victory. Expect satisfaction. Resonate confidence! Hot life, how now!

@MelyTJ94 Serving others is the ultimate success bc in the process you realize that life is not an individual act, but an act of Love.

@magwriterus If everyone was listening I’d say, “Be generous with your love for it is the only thing you can really give…”

@TravisTasset @Solana_ In the end what matters most is: how well did u love, how well did u live, how well did u learn to let go.

@MMontalvo Take care of yourself before others. You are no good to anyone if you aren’t good to yourself first.

@Whyguys @meego7 The law of attraction can’t work without the law of action. Make it happen.

@ItsPouC People try to pursue material things thinking that will make them find happiness, but they don´t know happiness is right next to them…life´s simple things.

@jayelisson Wonderful idea to have everyone share their “words of wisdom”. Truly inspirational to read the responses!

@JVAI RT All great things, great people, and greatness start with a dream, so keep dreaming and achieving.

@Steven_Jutzi Open your heart, and others will open their hearts and love you.

@mysticwonder If everyone were listening I’d say, “BELIEVE in yourself.  You have the power to achieve great things!”

@GiniGentry-“Come from your heart. To answer any question simply ask “What would love do here?” then DO IT!!”

@DrMichellexo Rather than stay loyal to our suffering, let’s embrace helping others. Gratitude for love, kindness & laughter.

@GoAskAashana Happiness is just a thought away…

@maryellen1961 Everything you say and do can change someone’s life. Make it a positive gesture causing a positive change!

@BeatSupreme No matter how many times u tried, u didn’t fail. No matter how many times u failed, u didn’t give up. U succeeded after all!

@The_Prodigy_09 All great things, great people, and greatness start with a dream, so keep dreaming and achieving =)

@lineajones I’d say “You are great, you are loved…you are special.”

@mtgoldeneagle Look beyond your world and give. Do one thing once a week to help someone in your life, your neighborhood, your community.

@terez07 If the world were listening I’d say “Value people not things.”

@inspirative Facilitate cooperation of humans who desire it in creating a new and inspiring culture which gives honor to all I AM.

@Steven_Jutzi Live to tell your story. It will make the biggest difference.

@JBMovies If everyone was listening I’d say, “There is still hope”.

@blueblue321 Enjoy the Beauty of the Universe (an early morning walk can make a new day bright!) Exercise the mind! Develop arts-hobbies.

@blueblue321 Live one day at a time constructively.

@1nlakech <120U R 1 with all U C! U R here 2 luv all U C & follow Ur bliss! Do 1 thing @ a time 2 B in the NOW & U will know true peace.

@drmani Dream. Believe in your dream. Stick with it until it comes true. Don’t give up. Be patient. It may take time to happen.

@PheasantPhun Good byes are never phun, and the last one is the hardest- great advice to live each day.

@everydaystory…I’d say each day brings new opportunities; embrace them all.

@sangalj Compassion, treat others the way you want to be treated.

@brynmorgan Stop chasing the competition and get back to chasing the dream.

@PoochClub If everyone were listening “SOCIAL_MEDIA can change the world through the universal bond of COMMON GROUND”

@earthXplorer More hugs for my daughter, spreading love 🙂

@BizzOnWeb Let’s keep in contact though a conversation not a monologue.  (I hope you’re pleased :-))

@Sveta_1990 I am here, I exist. I want to be heard. I want to be understood. I want to be accepted. I want to be happy. I want peace.

@MSunshineKay Optimism attributes to positive reflections that can enhance your view of the universe. Continue to remain hopeful.

@mysticwonder I’d say… Do not allow other peoples’ opinions change the way you view yourself: Beautiful as you are.

@amyurbach U can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people if you don’t serve the people. ~Cornel West

@treasurefield re: Greatest wisdom- the “golden rule”; love & trust God; read to your kids every day! 🙂

@SharonHayes Our most precious asset is our attitude.

@Starbucker “Love, Laugh & Learn”- my Grandmother. The finest wisdom a person can get!

@tallisattinger With a change of attitude the end of the world could just be a new beginning

@_StaceyChapman We have the gift of living with PURPOSE. Reach out-help others in need. Make this a DAILY part of ur life! Peace.

@francoaceruti My contribution to share with the world-  “Don’t let your future catch you thinking in what  if…”

@denyseduhaime Be Yourself and Be Real, Love yourself and you will always have the love of others.

@albyoungmogul Conquering the fear of being alone, is the start of Conquering the world!

@tallisattinger Take a step back. Breathe. Look again. You might discover something new and wonderful that you hadn’t before 🙂

@livefree718 A closed mind conceals and blocks new ideas; change is life. Open your mind and evolve.

@Lillibet56 You are important to you and to your place in the world! You have a right to be the best you can be.

@kyleshannon Hi Gail! Wisdom: Dream big. Dream out loud. If you share your dreams, POOF, they will magically manifest.

@JanetVanderhoof My greatest wisdom is – if we truly listen to the other we will discover many gifts.

@RobMcNealy You are better than you think you are, and can achieve more than you think you can.

@MrsDMarley Hi!  “Whatever your past has been, your future is spotless.” and “Be yourself.  Everyone else is taken.

@GeekMommy My life motto: Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional.

@sam101554 Believe in yourself in whatever U’re trying 2 accomplish it doesn’t mean U don’t have 2 work hard at it .U must have passion ((hug)).

@journeycoach My gr8st wisdom: We are stronger than we think and can transcend ANYTHING we are facing.

@SelfSymmetry Get to know the true you and lead your life f/that place!  It’s pure positive energy…

@spiver I can share it in one word. “Relax.”

@DeborahShane Give, share, connect, help, care, be authentic and watch what happens!

@CiaoBella50 Character = Treat everyone equally….  especially those who can do nothing to you or for you!!!   A quote from someone?

@GlendaWH Go for it! You’ll never know whether you can do something unless you try.

@giclee Do not do anything that will cause you regret, but when you do, do not walk down the regret path; that way lies sorrow.

@feistywoman Squeeze the juice out of life- give it all you have! Live boldly & love deeply. Be true to yourself & embrace your power.

@Mr_ILiVe4ME LIVE FULL OUT! Don’t ever wait to tell someone you love & appreciate them! The opportunity might not ever come around again.

@AngelOfNhami “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” It’s from a movie, but oh well, I love it anyway!!

@brendajohima Every single person, without exception, is creative. We have an unlimited+untapped potential for creativity.

@elbiddulph My personal mantra and message: Imagine if each of us tried to be the possibility of peace through a compassionate heart.

@amymoritz Live from your authentic place and notice what you can dream and accomplish when fear and insecurity fade from power.

@mindi_rice Today is special. It is all you have as a tangible moment. So make the most of it … Do what makes you happy.

@kaypearl Let’s teach our children to start being grateful for the education they receive. My words of wisdom since you asked, :).

@missphenom Self-acceptance is better than acceptance from others.  Celebrate everything about you because it makes you YOU!

@jimtobincan If each behaved as if her soul & inner thoughts were transparent to others, there’d be more kindness & peace.

@TheDailyBlonde Always be yourself despite the fact that it might be easier to conform.

@AndrewWindham Nature abhores a vaccum- better plan with intention what will fill nothing.

@HennArtOnline Let your smile be your weapon of mass inspiration!:-

@heykim NEVER underestimate the power of KINDNESS.

@brownies1 Forgive others. Try to look at the positive aspects of each person you come in contact with. Stand up to injustice. Be brave.

@wodieskodie Work to live, don’t live to work.

@ MaryPetersonToo In many circumstances you have to “fight the pain” to move forward to achieve.

@lisamaccoll “Start as you mean to continue.” “Professionals built the titanic: amateurs built the ark.”

@THEalexbailey Do not fear the storms, for you are learning to sail your ship…it was in my fortune cookie.

@fdimaira You only get the success in life you think you deserve. You have to believe that you deserve success before you can have it.

@MaggieKeenan “When you step outside your world and see the one around you, you realize you’ve got to help in some way.”

@iBrunette In order to love another, you must first love yourself.

@THEalexbailey Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is.

@RebeccaHappy Be sure to have fun. Help as many people as you can. Come from a place of love. Celebrate all wins!!!

@tallisattinger Live in the moment. Cherish the past. Hope for the future.

@BurningHawk1969 “Always remember to breathe.”–Sensei Toda Yoshi, to me, many times, and still in my head when I forget.

@mbradleymc– Don’t preach to teach, show what you know.

@jenjen720 My response: you only have one life to live, so live it to the fullest and live every moment as u have one breath to take.

@JasonBraud Life Takes Commitment 🙂

@Kattemie I don’t need 140 characters for my message to the world. It just reads: Pay attention.

@marvelousmartha The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret.

@delwilliams Best advice: Swing for the fences. Play full out. Given to me by @MrsWrite

@GaryLoper Everything you say and do can change someone’s life. Make it a positive gesture causing a positive change!

@shashib These are tools to connect human beings together. Remember that when you are tweeting with a human being next to you.

@jkg7172 No matter how things look, God is ALWAYS in control!

@MelyTJ94 Listen to Ur soul. Live life in ♥. Ur Dreams will weave themselves Bc its not about illusions, but about keeping faith in ♥.

@mindi_rice the extended version … You can not be afraid of the future. It won’t get you anything to fear what is coming tomorrow other than wasting today. Today is special. It is all you have as a tangible moment. So make the most of it. Sing you favorite song. Tell someone you love them. Enjoy the simple things. Do what makes you happy. 🙂 (sent in 3 tweets!)

@JessBerlin It’s simple, Being kind to others enriches your own life.

@spreadingJOY Every act of joy has a ripple effect that can be absolutely limitless! Never miss an opportunity to do something 4 others.

@BuzzEdition Always be nice. Never give up. And cherish the friends you make along the way! ~hugs~

@myMuse Greatest wisdom is that I’m nt my fears or limitations bt smethng greater & mre powerful & needs 2 B nurtured in all of us.

@MarkRiffey My dad’s oft repeated “Be a good listener”.

@WarrenWitlock Our perception of life is more important than what others do or say. Choose to make life fun and go for it.

@MariSmith Be true to yourself at all times; acknowledge & praise your peeps; know that God didn’t give you a dream you can’t manifest.

THANK YOU to all who contributed your brilliance. We are so very grateful to have you as part of our Twitter and families. You guys ROCK!

NEXT WEEK’S QUESTION- in 140 characters or less-

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, what are you most thankful for and how do you celebrate it every day?

Please send your response to @inspiremetoday via Twitter and include the hashtag #IMT. THANK YOU!

With gratitude and hugs,


p.s. I have no idea why some of the links are blue and others are purple. If you know, please feel free to post your comment below. Thanks!

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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Comments (36)

  1. I am struck by how each person’s wisdom is so unique to them. You get to see their values, their life experience, and their philosophy, all boiled down to its 140 character essence. Fascinating exercise! Thanks, Gail.
    I’m printing it out and putting it in the car. They will make great red light pick-me-ups.

    Can you add a “follow them all” button?

    1. Ava, please be careful when you’re driving! I’m glad the list inspires you. Thanks for being a part of our world. 🙂

  2. We often complain about how things are in our life, this wisdom list proves God knows what he is doing. Our pain is for our own growth, wisdom and to help others!

  3. Hi Gail,

    Thanks for featuring me too. All the 99 were fantastic and hope I will do better when you ask me again 🙂

    Have a great inspiring day.


    1. Shashi, I love your spirit and of course, your wisdom too. Thanks for being in my world and sharing it with all of us. 🙂

  4. Gail,
    Thankyou for an amazing list! I’m loving the wisdom found here! Just as you said, I’m going to use this list to follow some very very wise individuals!

    Thank you for how you continue to motivate, inspire and encourage! I’m glad you are in my twitterverse!


  5. Gail!

    What a powerful and wonderful list! I am honored and humbled to be included in such a prestigious list of amazing people (and wisdom)!

    Thank you so much for inspiring the world everyday! :~)

    1. Henie, you are so welcome. Thanks for being a part of the “family”. I so appreciate your sharing your inspiration with us.


  6. Gail – Words cannot describe how much thanks I give to you for creating such a blog and sharing your inspiration. Not only by your words, but by the words of others. I thank you for sharing my words of wisdom and will continue to spread your ways of inspiration to all. Thank you again. Peace and many blessings – Kimberly aka MSunshinekay.

  7. Gail I am so grateful to you and all of these other wise souls for creating such a powerful source of encouragement, wisdom and hope! I am very, very grateful to you for including me in this noble endeavor!

    All the best!

  8. Technical notes: Blue/purple links are simply which ones you personally have visited. So I haven’t visited any of those – they all look blue to me. If I visit some then come back here, the ones I’ve visited will be purple.

    There’s no way to do “follow them all” but you could make a Twitter List and people could follow the list. Lists are a thing and not on many client programs yet, so you really need to do them at the websites.


    1. Thank you for the information! I really appreciate it Ricky. Still looking into the “follow all” option… Thanks again!

    1. Cristin, I’m glad you like it. I’m so excited, I’m going to do this next Thursday as well, and hopefully weekly (with a different question each week). Hopefully you’ll be a part of it each time. 🙂


  9. I have been working my way through this wonderful list, checking each person’s twitter page. Interesting to see differences and similarities, moments of brilliance mixed in with the everyday ordinary. I am thankful to be included in the list. Thank you for inviting the conversation.

  10. Gail, you are so talented at rallying the troops & tribes. Thank you for inspiring so many people, while sharing so much appreciation through Twitter. I loved that you included all of these great tweets in your blog post! So many great folks on Twitter!

    1. Michelle, thanks for your kind comments. I LOVE my Twitter family and I’m thrilled to share the inspiration. Thanks for being a part of it!


  11. Thanks Gail! I love this! I am amazed each day at the love that is shared over Twitter! You are one of the first folks that I started following on Twitter and it shows that I made an AWESOME choice! 😉 Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do – truly a blessing! {{Big Hugs}}

  12. Wow! What an awesome excersie. Interesting to see all the different thought trails people chose. I’m glad I ran across this today. thank you for sharing.

  13. Thank you very much, Gail. You inspire me for getting “little” better every day.
    Really you are a sweet gift for all us.

    (((((((((((((((((( Hugs! )))))))))))))))))


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