The whole world can change in a minute. Think about it. One minute can make all the difference in our world. Just ask anyone who lost a loved one in an accident or was diagnosed with cancer. The whole world changes in a minute.
Yet, when we think of that statement we usually default to a place of changing for the worse- not better! If the whole world can change in a minute for the worse, it also has the equal chance of changing for the better!
You could win the lottery. You could find the love of your life. That property that you’ve had on the market for two years could sell. You could get the job that you’ve been waiting for. The elusive answer to how to do a project could show up for you. Everything could fall into place to make your life better and your whole world could change in a minute.
The exciting news is … that minute could be right now. We never know when it’s going to happen but we must hold tight to the belief that it WILL happen. Successful people act from a place of believing before they see it and from acting from that place of knowing.
So today, as you move forward in life, where are your beliefs? Are you looking at “what is” and cursing the situation, or are you seeing “what will be” and holding onto the belief that your world is amazing already, and will continue to improve in the next moment?
If the whole world can change in a minute, let’s believe that it will change for the better. Together, let’s support one another and our joint visions of success. The whole world can change in a minute, and that minute could be right now!
I’ve been following you for over a month. I LOVE the way you think and the way you present it. I have found like minded people to follow as well. You inspire, encourage, and give me hope! Keep up the good work! I remain a faithful follower…
Thank you Michael! I’m touched by your words.
The way you used the word “follow”, are you on Twitter? Please let me know by sending at @ message, if you are. Great to connect with you and thanks again for your support.
Big hugs,