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By Penny Kane.

We are the only person who can give ourselves validation. Sometimes it’s easy to get trapped into thinking that we need the approval of others to do things. We have been conditioned to feel like we can’t take matters into our own hands because we require the approval of people who we feel are more knowledgeable than us.

This really dawned on me when my kids were sick and I was looking for guidance. When I didn’t receive the answers that I was looking for I felt helpless and alone. It wasn’t until I tapped into my true self, the one that instinctively knew what to do, that I got the results I needed. The reality that I could use and trust my own instincts was a new concept and one of my favourite lessons so far.

We are in a constant state of learning. Everything around us is consistently changing and evolving. In order to go with the ebb and flow of that evolution we must be willing to change our method of thinking all of the time. Be willing to learn new things and to respect that we are always going to be learning.

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Learning involves new processes and new things. These new processes will carry you to new heights, the ones that you dreamed of and gave yourself enough credit to know you can do. When you work with the flow and understand how capable you are of anything, wonderful things will happen.

Going the distance involves trusting in who we are, and always knowing that we have everything we need to accomplish anything right there inside.  Thinking we need validation from others especially based on designations is counter-productive. We are all equal, all the same. All capable of free thinking. That choice to respect ourselves enough to go the distance is what brings us to the finish line. It is also important to listen to the knowledge of others’ because not only are they equal but each and every one of us has something very valuable to contribute.

Next time you have a dream don’t let the secondary noise of others’ opinions drown out who you really are. Grab onto to your inner courage and keep going though the peaks and valleys. Always be willing to learn, to change and most of all be open to loving yourself enough to know you can go the distance. You are the only one who can carry that ball into the end zone.

Photo Credit: Max Elman

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I am the author of My Soul's Role, a speaker, a chemical reduction educator and most importantly a proud mama bear. I love children. I have a fire burning inside me to protect them. Children if kept pristine will continue the circle of life with little or no interruption. I believe children are meant to be bigger than us, they are meant to do better things, they are meant to pave the path toward perfection and deserve every opportunity to do that.

I never fully understood why I was so passionate about children's wellbeing until now. I always loved children, and couldn't wait to become a mother to someone. That reality presented itself in such a chaotic way that it revealed my why. I have had trouble with miscarriages, and pregnancies. My heart hurt so bad going through those experiences that I didn't know how I was going to make it. When I finally held my oldest daughter in my arms, she was sick. Not dying, but sick. Not only was she premature but she was allergic to everything it seemed. When my youngest daughter presented the same food and environmental sensitivities I was at the end of my rope. I had no idea how to cook and care for sick kids, and have spent the last 10 years learning on the job walking the walk. After having lived it, I can confidently say that an overload of chemicals in our environment is to blame. As a forever optimist I know that with awareness and small food and product changes we can take back the health of our children and the generations to come. 

For more information, please visit

Comments (8)

  1. “Going the distance involves trusting in who we are, and always knowing that we have everything we need to accomplish anything right there inside.” I love this point – there is so much truth in it. Thanks for the inspiration, Penny!

  2. Hi Penny, This is an inspiring post. We keep on learning everyday and it doesn’t stop. I do believe that we should trust ourselves enough to follow what we want in life. We must take the courage to follow our own instinct, with no regrets, its a one way of learning. Time is precious, we should value LIFE!

    1. Yes, we should value LIFE~Well said Jerry! It can be difficult sometimes to follow our gut instincts but those instincts know exactly what path we need to be on and that we don’t require the approval of others to get there. No regrets…I like that!!!

  3. Inspiring and encouraging post. Life has many lessons for us to learn in a timely manner. Sometimes we really allow our detractors to lure us away from the subject matter but at times we should give way to the tug of our own heartstrings as each individual has his own key to unlock his own door.

    1. Hi Audrey, how true “we should give way to the tug of our own heartstrings as each individual has his own key to unlock his own door.” I feel inspired:) Thank you for sharing.

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