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Remember that you are already the hero of your own life. You did not earn this title. You did not have to. You were born the hero. It is your birthright.

Remember that Connection and Abundance are our natural state of being, and that Collaboration and Inspiration are our natural way of doing.

Remember that the word ‘Inspiration’ means ‘to breathe life into’ and that when you inspire others every day, you are filling the world with the very breath of life.

Remember that you are always connected to the immeasurable Creation, even in those moments when you feel most Disconnected.

Remember that the Universe is always contriving to bring you Joy, even when you feel most sorrowful.

Remember that there is enough for all in this beautiful world, when we dance to the rhythm of the Planet, and sing in harmony with Her melody. It is only when we are out-of-time and out-of-tune to our Nature that things like scarcity, hatred and violence come into our world.

Remember to let things go, and forgive everyone—especially yourself—every moment of every day.

Listen to all that is both audible and inaudible, and to see all that is visible and invisible, so you may learn to recognise the great gifts you are being given every moment of every day.

Love asking the right questions, rather than needing to find the right answers.

Find delight, wonder and peace in the great ‘not knowing’.

Do one small thing every day that will make the world a better place for our grandchildren.

Remember that only Peace begets Peace, and aggression will only ever beget more aggression. If your heart yearns for Peace, find it first within your very Self.

If you cannot find this Peace, remember that Peace is your Natural state of being. Open your arms and embrace that Self, and you will find that Eternal Peace who is Eternally You.

And if you still think you have no power to change the world, simply think of ways you can bring more graciousness into your daily interactions with others. Then, see how much your graciousness begets more graciousness.

And if after all this remembrance, you still believe you are insignificant, that you are not a Child of Creation, that you lack the stuff of heroes, remember:

Nothing is ever nothing.
In anything is everything.
You change me forever,
in all you do.
In all I am,
you are there too.

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LYNN SERAFINN, MAED, CPCC is a certified, award-winning coach, teacher, marketer, social media expert, radio host, speaker and author of the number one bestseller The 7 Graces of Marketing — How to Heal Humanity and the Planet by Changing the Way We Sell and Tweep-e-licious! 158 Twitter Tips & Strategies for Writers, Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers Who Want to Market their Business Ethically.

She is listed in the Top 20 of the Top Marketing Authors on Twitter by Social Media Magazine and was a finalist for the prestigious Brit Writers Awards. She also received the eLit Book Awards Silver Medal in Humanitarian and Ecological Social Affairs, as well as the Bronze Medal in Business and Sales.

Lynn’s eclectic approach to marketing incorporates her vast professional experience in the music industry and the educational sector along with more than two decades of study and practice of the spirituality of India. Her innovative marketing campaigns have produced a long list of bestselling non-fiction authors through her company Spirit Authors.

Lynn is also the Founder of the 7 Graces Project CIC, a not-for-profit social enterprise created to train, support, mentor and inspire independent business owners to market their business ethically, serve society and planet, and restore all that is best about humanity.

For more information, please visit and

Comments (5)

  1. That a good inspiration Lynn. Thankyou for that. Im finding myself today, to be the person im suppose to be. I have self love, so I can love humanity, unconditionaly.

  2. from a blessing by my friend Pierre – indeed it starts with each individual, be it peace, joy, wholeness …..
    “In a world of growing agitation and accelerating change no one on the human scene can control any longer, peace of heart becomes a most precious privilege. As thousands and thousands learn to enlarge their inner circles of peace, they will expand more and more on an energetic level until one of these days they will all join and encompass the whole of mankind.” Pierre Pradervand

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