Too few of us are living up to our full potential. We go through the motions spending the majority of our days on autopilot. But spending our days mindlessly checking off a to-do isn’t going to get us the life of our dreams. I’ve learned that firsthand. After I broke the mold and determined what I truly desired, I was able to create a life that even my dreams couldn’t contain. Here is what I learned along my journey to creating my authentic life.
You have the answers
Not your parents. Not your friends. Not your boss. You. Many of us believe that something is better outside ourselves than within our own intuitive nature. When did we start trusting these outside sources instead of our own intuition? It’s time to get back to what we already know.
You create your reality
Many of us carry around a lot of shame, blame, judgment and guilt about the life we live or the things we’ve done. Those negative scripts have shaped our current reality. When we start to take responsibility for your life, you begin to heal. And when the healing process begins, you’ll start to plant seeds for your desired future. Accept that you are responsible for your life, and work towards living a life that you enjoy.
You’re good enough right now
What’s different from you right now and 10 pounds from now? Or a new job from now? A change in a marital status from now? The authentic version you are is exactly as it should be. You have unique talents that no one in the world has; you just have to exploit them. Give yourself permission to do what your soul is meant to do on this earth.
There is no glass ceiling
It’s only our perception. Others will impose limits on your abilities, and you may even do it to yourself. The question is, are you going to listen to the negativity or listen to your gut? Remember, you are in charge of your life.
Speak in the affirmative
Watch the words that come out of your mouth as well as the ones you keep to yourself. Filling your mind with negativity and spreading it with the words you speak is detrimental to your well being.
Use active words about yourself, your goals and the people you surround with. Trust something will happen instead of hoping it might. Take responsibility; don’t blame. Do instead of try. Desire your dreams instead of just wanting them. Remove “but” and replace it with “and.” Affirmative speech gives life to your goals.
Release the crabs in your bucket
The crabs in your bucket are the people who see you making major strides towards your dreams, and they pull you back down. It may be something as simple as a back-handed compliment or a snide comment about your new life. Whatever form it may take, know that it is just their fear and insecurity about themselves thrust on you. It’s their issue; not yours.
You will fall, but you will also stand back up
Those who create the life of their dreams get back on the horse no matter how tall, fast, or impossible that horse may seem. There is no shame in failure. There is only opportunity. Don’t let a fall hold you back from creating the life of your dreams.
You stated the main points to living life on your own terms nicely Julie. When we trust ourselves and the capabilities we have it is much easier to stand up for oneself in so many ways.