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If I had to condense the wisdom of my life into a page to leave as my legacy, here’s the most valuable information that I’ve learned in my life. I hope it inspires you to fully live your dreams.

The key to A Brilliant Life, as I see it, is to always, always, always listen to yourself first.

We all have our own unique guidance system within us that comes from the spirit side of us. It is there to keep us on track to our own unique destiny. Often the road along the way doesn’t resemble where we want to go, so we think we are on the wrong road… However, it is just the trip there, and of course it doesn’t resemble where we will end up, because we’re not there yet.

If you plan a trip to London and stop in four other countries on the way there, none of them will look like London, but you are still on track to get to London, are you not?

So, stop judging the trip, and just enjoy it, you will arrive at your true destination in due course. And only you know what that is, to be able to recognize it when you get there. Remember it is never too late to be what you might have been. Remember to listen to yourself – you know best what is right for you.

The biggest lesson I have learned in the past few months is to stay in the flow, and that sometimes it is better to lay on your back and just float. That way the river of success will take you to exactly where you need to be. Whilst you are going with the flow, it is a great idea to clear your mind, because that’s when the spirit side of you communicates with the spirit around you.

Two and a half years ago I did a Dream Board whilst on a trip to Bali. I was sitting with my good friends Mark Victor Hansen and Roger Hamilton. I took photos of me and them and also added them to my Dream Board. Just this week I realized that not just some, but all of the things I talked about with the boys and had put on my board had happened, it wasn’t until the final puzzle I had been working on for some time unfolded that I realized this.

Never ever give up on your dreams – sometimes you are too busy to see that all is unfolding in the right order and sometimes until the last piece of the puzzle is there, you miss seeing what the picture is all about.

It’s like the trip to London story above – until you get there, nothing else is going to look like it. The Universe had kept the fact that all was unfolding hidden from sight until the last bit fell into place – I had finally reached London! I had almost lost the vision of London because the trip was so long, but once I reached it, it was like just a second had passed and the trip was just a memory.

The Universe once told me that the biggest misconception people have about the past is thinking it can detract from the rest of their lives! It can’t! The past only ever makes more stuff possible. Thank you to the Universe for that one – it never ceases to put a smile on my face.

Love and hugs, Samantha

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We are all responsible for our own destiny, some of us allow ourselves to become weighed down and limited by the difficulties and hardships life presents, others like Samantha Backman take adversity and use it not only to create a wonderful fulfilling life for themselves, but also to make an impact on the world around them.

Samantha Backman is a product of one of those childhoods that make you wonder how she survived. Her mother was only 16 when Samantha was born and she was raised by her grandparents for the first 5 years, she then moved back with her mother and lived on a dairy farm in Victoria. Over the next ten years she was physically and sexually abused.

At 15, knowing that if she didn’t get out then she may never have the strength to, she ran away from home and commenced a personal journey that has taken her from waitress to millionaire. Samantha now runs two international businesses and seeks to inspire women everywhere to take control of their health, their wealth and their happiness.

After she left home she found work as a waitress and barmaid, later launching her own business ventures including massage centers, restaurants, retail outlets and eventually developing what has become for her a defining interest in nutrition and homeopathy.

At the age of 24 Samantha began a long battle with Cervical Cancer which she has beaten three times in her life. All the time in the background Samantha was struggling with life: during her thirties she went through a period where the anger over her upbringing was consuming her, she attempted suicide several times and was enveloped by thoughts of pain and self-mutilation. Even though she was supported by her husband and four children through this very difficult period, Samantha truly felt she had nothing left to offer.

As testament to the person she is, Samantha dragged herself out of this fog and found clarity in her life with the assistance of the Extra-Ordinary Lives Foundation (XL). She says “she found the person she was meant to be by forgetting things that were not in her best interest.” Life just started to go right, the removal of self-doubt made her realise how she was going to make a difference in this world.

It was at this time she truly turned her life around; she became aware of the women around her experiencing similar pain which crystallised her focus on helping all women. She developed her interest in health, diet and homotoxicology which has been supported by seven years of study and seven books so far.

This interest and study led Samantha to develop her theory on our modern day eating habits, she calls this “Death by knife and food”, during her studies she discovered that nearly 80 percent of all diseases are diet related. In other words eight out of ten people are feeding themselves their own disease.

One of Samantha’s greatest joys in life now is to share with people her simple powerful health solutions that slow the ageing process, prevent the onset of degenerative diseases and provide unlimited energy.

Samantha’s passion for helping other women has also led to her second business, Alicia International, which creates and promotes female hygiene and lifestyle products. The motivation for Samantha behind this business is, as always, to make a difference to women around the world. To help the two thirds of the women in the third world who constantly suffer from urinary track and vaginal infections due to a total lack of understanding of hygiene and the availability of products that offer assistance.

Samantha has taken on the suffering of these women and is now affectionately known as the “Vagina Lady” in many developing parts of the world. The Alicia will eliminate the need for tampons and sanitary pads and revolutionise the female hygiene market worldwide.

She now travels the world as a much sought-after speaker and philanthropist, delivering her message in India, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and the United States. Her next major goal is to set up a program to fast track basic skills for women in these regions.

When not traveling, Samantha resides on the Gold Coast of Australia living her dream, a self made women, a remarkable woman, a woman who has turned her own life around and in doing so is benefiting all women.

For more information, please visit

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