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Do you know what genius work is?

As a leader within your company, are you spending today doing genius work… the kind of work that is the most valuable and best use of your time? Genius work can be defined as a peak performance state-of-mind.

This means that when you are immersed in the genius work you most love and you are working on the projects that require your maximum attention, the results will be world-class! Doing genius work also means that you are focusing on the activities and the action steps that will deliver high impact results, on both a professional and personal level.

Defining Genius Work
“If I could only focus on two key areas today, what would the most valuable and best use of my time be?”

This is the easiest and fastest way to define genius work. As a leader in your company, genius work might include an important interview to hire a new SuperStar, a presentation to your Board of Directors on your financial performance or meeting with a new strategic alliance partner. Here is the key principle regarding genius work: your genius work can only be done by you.

Defining I Wish Projects
Once you have made a list of the professional activities that you consider genius work, make a list of every activity and/or project you are working on this week and month. Then, split this list into two separate lists… an “I Wish” list and a “Delegation” list.

Your I Wish list is best explained as the activities/projects that require your attention, but could be done by someone else if you spent 30-90 minutes to show this person the necessary steps. For instance, your genius work might include an important final interview for a new SuperStar who wants to join your company. The I Wish step would include having first and second interviews done by others within your company and showing your assistant how to do reference checks.

When working with our coaching clients, their I Wish list is always a large and long list. During our weekly coaching calls, we focus on removing every single activity/project on their I Wish list…so they can gain an additional 10-20 hours per week of free time to spend doing the things they most love. Some clients are now taking monthly vacations, some are semi-retired and others are spending more time with their families.

Defining Delegation Work
Delegation work is the easiest to explain. These are the activities/projects that can quickly be completed and only require 30-60 seconds of explanation. For example, your assistant can make copies of a presentation you are giving, your sales director can bring the results of his/her results to your next executive meeting, or your secretary can make a call to have your copier repaired. These are all one-step requests and can be easily delegated to those who work on your team.

Ready to live the life you always dreamed about? Let your “Genius” work for you professionally and personally!

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Ernest F. Oriente is a business coach/trainer since 1995, author of SmartMatch Alliances, and the founder of PowerHour®. He has a passion for coaching his clients on executive leadership, hiring and motivating SuperStars, traditional and Internet SEO/SEM marketing, competitive sales strategies, and high leverage alliances for fast growing sales companies and entrepreneurial businesses.  He provides private and group coaching for leaders around the world, investment banking services, executive recruiting services, SEO/SEM web strategies and powerful tools for hiring SuperStars and building dynamic teams.

Ernest worked for Motorola, Primedia and is certified in the Xerox sales methodologies.  His recent interviews and articles have appeared more than 8000+ times in business and trade publications and in a wide variety of leading magazines and newspapers, including Smart Money, Inc., Business 2.0, The New York Times, Fast Company, The LA Times, Fortune, Business Week, Self Employed America and The Financial Times.

Since 1995, Ernest has written 400+ articles about business success and created 400+ business and marketing checklists, sales letters and presentation tools.  His free monthly newsletter reaches subscribers in 74 countries around the world and can be accessed on his website listed below.

For more information, please visit

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