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I was always inspired by the hippie saying, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life….” Though I had been trained to believe that I had a limited world and that I’d better adapt to it, I knew deep inside that at all times I (and others) had the ability to change my mind.

By the pure grace of God (because believe me, I was not looking for it!), I discovered consciousness-raising programs with amazing exercises and learned that if I change my beliefs, it changes my mindset/attitude, and most importantly, it changes my results.

I decided to give it a “good ol’ fashioned try” and followed what was being taught to me… and it worked!

I work daily on the basics:

  • I meditate to calm my mind and to know that I am not running the “bus” on my own – that I have Spiritual support.
  • I work on my body so that I have a wonderful vehicle to move me around – it is truly “my temple”.
  • I work on at least 5 things that will bring me prosperity/abundance in the future. It can be something as small as an e-mail, a phone call or text message, or a bit bigger like writing a proposal, or as big as creating a new project.
  • I spend time on “income-generating” activities to make sure that my business continues to be profitable.
  • I do something that will benefit another financially, personally or in any way that is needed.
  • I do something to keep my ego in check. I’ll clean my own floors, repair something, re-plant a plant – something that could be done by another for me – to keep myself grounded.
  • I do something to create my future. I work on Affirmations, or create a Treasure Map, or connect with a friend and together we’ll do a prayer for something that our heart desires, wants or needs.
  • Lastly, I work on clearing any thoughts that may be blocking my success in all areas of my life.

It’s my choice to have a life that is filled with joy, peace, prosperity and a deep connection to a greater power. I release and let go. I allow the principles of Precession (the ripple effect), Leverage, and the Laws of Attraction, Manifestation and Gratitude to do the rest…

If I give, I receive. If I am grateful, I’ll notice my world being so much more beautiful. If I love, I am loved. If I believe in Miracles, they occur. I put attention on my Intention, which is to be a vehicle, an instrument of the Great Spirit. I am here to serve… then it all falls in place.

Live a principle-based life. Do your best to be in present time… always correcting… knowing that we learn through mistakes and being as loving and compassionate with others.

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DC Cordova is CEO of Excellerated Business Schools®/Money & You®, a global organization that has over 70,000 graduates from the Asia Pacific and North American regions.

She is a “Connector” because she has a special gift for bringing together diverse successful Social Entrepreneurs from around world. Her purpose is to Uplift Humanity’s Consciousness Through Business. DC is a Ambassador of New Education because of her tireless pursuit to transform educational systems around the world to eradicate poverty and hunger.  DC is a Mentor of Nurturing because of her work with high-level entrepreneurs/business leaders.

She is an author of several books, including Money-Making Systems.  She hosts the Money & You Radio Show; she has been in 9 motivational films and TV show; has been interviewed around the world for radio, newspaper and magazines. She is a Founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council (TLC); a facilitator for the Pachamama Alliance Symposium; a Founding Faculty member for Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB); an Advisor on China and Asia Pacific to One Degree Media & Entertainment, Inc., a breakthrough Media for Transformation company; and Director of International Relations for the Women’s Information Network, The WIN

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