Our world is so breathtakingly beautiful…
Take time to explore it in person
and online, and you will be AMAZED!
Take time to be amazed,
and you will be humbled.
Take time to be humbled
and your heart will be filled of gratitude.
Take time to be overwhelmed in gratitude
and you will experience Spirit!
Every glimpse at beauty is an invitation into
the Divine that permeates all things…
Take a walk and you will receive
invitations in the flowers, the sky, the earth…
Take time to really enjoy the taste of your food and you will
receive invitations in the sweet, sour, spicy, salty, savory….
Take time to explore each sense, and you will
recognize the invitations abound.
Each is an invitation from Spirit towards communion with
more than our mere minds could discover on our own,
just waiting for our hearts to follow,
and our souls to remember that we are part of the Whole!
THIS is what I would choose to share with the world if I had just a few words to leave behind, because it is not important that you think the way I think, see the way I perceive, or prioritize life the way I or anyone else might advise.
It is important that you explore as much as you strategize, question all you are told to accept, dream defiantly against the limitations of other’s perceptions, and innovate whenever challenges arise. For it is in this dance that we come together with each other, and in those moments of exchanging ideas begin to forge collaborations that transcend what we can accomplish alone.
The more you begin to intimately know yourself in relation to all things, the sooner you will perceive personal value in them. The sooner you perceive personal value in that which is other than yourself, the sooner your understanding of “self” will begin to expand past what you currently identify as the limitations of “you”. When this happens, the world offers up an invitation for you to follow: An invitation into collaboration with Spirit – however you perceive it to be!
Regardless of your religious choice, the opportunity for this type of personal “awakening” lies in everything, everyone and everywhere. The hard challenge we have today is that the hardware of our technology is miles ahead of the software of our sociological, psychological, and spiritual development, as a species. But we can begin to balance that out.
In fact, when you find yourself thinking that humankind has accomplished so much, it’s time to stop and explore the world around you. A quick trip to a cave, or other Earth-hewn spot, will put things in perspective real quick.
Ask yourself: What is the time it took for the rock to be sculpted just so… into a perfect form for the bats and cliff swallows to share? Ask yourself, how many tiny insects that we rely on to pollinate the foods we eat, rely in turn on the minerals that the waters break down from the rock and spread into the soil?
Who are we to feel that we are any more than a child by comparison? How much more could we learn if we approached creation as a student who has but a little time? How much further could we go if we sought to collaborate with the Creator in all things?
Release the ego, and Creator will take root. Invite Creator into a dance, and miracles will happen!
[…] The more you begin to intimately know yourself in relation to all things, the sooner you will perceive personal value in them. The sooner you perceive personal value in that which is other than yourself, the sooner your understanding of “self” will begin to expand past what you currently identify as the limitations of “you”. When this happens, the world offers up an invitation for you to follow: An invitation into collaboration with Spirit – however you perceive it to be!…Continue reading at InspireMeToday.com. […]