As I sit reminiscing over my life and the profound words of wisdom I would like to share with all of humanity, they would be the pearls of wisdom that I govern my life by.
Live purposefully: Are you living your purpose? Are you living your making or simply making a living? If you are not passionately pursuing your purpose then you are not living at all, you’re only existing.
Give gratefully: There is enough to go around. The only walls of lack and limitation are the ones that we build ourselves. The universe is abundant and honors a cheerful giver. Give what you have to those in need knowing that all that you stand in the need of will come to you ten- fold.
Love unconditionally: Learn to live and let live by accepting people as they are and not who we want them to be. We are all here in this journey called life, learning our lessons as best we can.
Think abundantly: As a man thinketh, so is he! You can have, be or do all that you desire to have, be or do. Stop playing small and settling for “good enough” you deserve the best of the best and there is no dream too big or too complicated that you can not achieve. So live it up and super size those dreams.
Pray consistently.
Speak powerfully: Words are like a double edged sword they can build as well as destroy. Choose your words wisely. Speak life and encourage yourself with the same tenacity that you encourage and inspire others.
Serve willingly: Muhammed Ali once said, “Service to others is the rent we pay for our room in Heaven….” What gifts and talents are you withholding until you get a raise, the kids graduate or your spouse gets the promotion? The world is waiting on you.
Dream vividly: Visualize your dreams live and in living color. The more vibrant and real the dream the quicker the manifestation. Get clear about what it is you want and see yourself as having it, exactly the way you desire.
Praise continuously: Affirm your victory!
Prepare faithfully: Success waits on no one. Either you make it happen or stand by and watch it happen for others.
this was the perfect “checklist” and what a beautiful way of writing. Thank you for sharing your gift.