Only the strong survive, the weak will fold. Life isn’t always easy. Being strong and courageous is doing what others are afraid to do. Don’t be afraid to pave your own way.
Take chances and take them frequently. Taking chances and risks will spark an undeniable curiosity that has to be quenched.
You can’t fear failure. Embrace it. Accept the fact that failure is possible and everyone, at some point in their life, fails at something. The key is to learn from your mistakes and grow. Always move forward.
P.U.S.H.! Pray until something happens.
Surround yourself with successful people. Even if your definition of success differs, you’ll find yourself associating with other goal-oriented people.
The Law of Attraction is REAL. What you put out into the Universe, you will get back. The Law of Attraction is about focusing on the things/outcome you want and not the things/outcome you don’t want. You are in control. You attract what you put out. Say you jump out of bed and stomp your toe. Some will say that’s a start to a bad day. It’s not.
Never put out in the Universe you’re having a bad day. We don’t have bad days… we have moments within our days that can change instantly by the vibrations/positive thoughts you send out to the world.
Always be a giver and give wholeheartedly. Even when you think you don’t have, still give. You’ll always reap what you sow, whether it’s money, time, knowledge, love, etc. That is the first lesson in receiving.
Balance is essential. Take time out for you. If you don’t take the time to get your mind together, your focus will suffer. The day-to-day of life can become overwhelming and can cause you to become easily frustrated. Exercise and eat a well-balanced diet.
Have an amazing support structure. Your wife, husband, mom, dad, best friend, whoever is there when you need to be rejuvenated. When times get hard, your support structure will definitely give you that extra boost of confidence you need.
Be dedicated. You have to be prepared to give 110%. Be dedicated to reaching and exceeding your goals. Sometimes you’ll have to go beyond the call of duty.
Have an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for what you have, the experiences you’ve gone through and all things placed in your life. They’ve all made you who you are. Everyone has a story, so don’t take anything for granted and appreciate the small things.
Never give up! Even when you feel like you can’t take another step or fight another battle, don’t give up and stick to it.
Be consistent at consistency and always be a student. Be open to the world by learning from others who are smarter than you. Self-educate and learn something new daily.
Invest in yourself and know your worth. How do you expect others to invest in you when you don’t want to invest in yourself?
Have passion. Find out what in your life gives you an indescribable feeling of joy and do it often. Own it.
Don’t overthink things and go with the flow. When you overthink you can create problems and issues that weren’t there initially.
The Universe knows the quickest route to your success. Trust it. Have faith. Ask. Believe. Receive.
This reading touched me and inspired me for my day. Thank you.