The heart is your key to becoming “who you truly are.” Learn to listen to your heart’s intuitive guidance. The heart is not weak and mushy. It is a source of strength and holds a unique intelligence that you can tap into that can open your intuition. It’s up to each individual to bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance. Let your mind and heart work as a team – a balanced partnership.
The shortest path to the heart and mind partnership is through inner-ease. Practicing inner-ease creates “flow” by helping you regulate the balance and cooperation between your heart, mind and emotions so you have more intuitive connection with your higher potential.
When we have inner-ease it’s easier to choose the way of love. Love embraces all heart qualities compassion, care, kindness, gratitude, generosity, joy, hope, inspiration.
Learn to make these heart qualities your real priority each day. Connect with these qualities before you jump into the day. Breathe in the feeling of love, care and kindness into all of your cells and allow yourself to really experience these feelings. This helps you set the tone for your day. Setting a tone for the day might be as simple as I will move through my day with compassionate care for the wellbeing of others, yourself and planet earth. Refresh your connection with these heart qualities at different times throughout the day. This will help you be more aware of when you are “being” love and when other things are taking over and overshadowing your real priority.
The practice of connecting with, and listening to the heart lets the intuition unfold and thereby allowing your “real self” to surface. Becoming your real self involves removing self-centeredness and separation through the practice of being non-judgmental and forgiving, managing emotional reactions, and expressing more love, care, kindness and appreciation.
Free yourself from the mind’s preset judgments. As you set this as your heart’s desire you will begin to see that neither global nor individual peace can be had as long as judgment, blame and bitterness persist between cultures or within personal relationships. Removing judgments nurtures warmer connections with others and a deeper connection within you and ultimately this starts to change the world around us.
Add love and care to everything you do even the smallest gestures. When you hear yourself say, “but I did add love,” then add more love. When you think “but I did add care,” then add more care. Keep in mind that care is not stress producing. If you feel your care is causing you stress you are in “overcare.” Use this as a signal to go back to the heart and ask for intelligence on how to adjust your actions of care so that it is coming from the purest intention — true care is regenerative for you and others.
There is no greater gift or aspiration than to love. Remember you are love.
I love everything you so joyfully share here.
Thank you and blessings for all,