I would let my children and grandchildren know that everything in life is by choice.
When we wake up feeling a little tired, or “get up on the wrong side of the bed”, we can choose to smile and reach for a shining moment from our past or a dream of the future that excites us, and then keep that thought in the back of our minds all day.
We can choose to feel joy until we once again, gratefully sink into our lovely bed at the end of another day and sleep soundly in the knowledge that today was well lived. Or not…
Grouchy people are not fun to be around – so when life throws a pie in your face – lick your lips and start a food fight!
I have always been “bold as brass”, as one of my aunts used to say. As a teen, I would not have been the one who sulked in a corner when life gave her lemons. I would also not have been the one making lemonade. I’m the one who started that food fight and got the whole cafeteria laughing…
That being said, I believe that life gives us many choices every day, sometimes we choose wisely, sometimes not. As long as we understand that we choose, that no one else chooses for us, then we are free to make a different choice tomorrow. We are free to reach for joy anytime we need it and to live in gratitude for the many choices available to us.
One of the fastest ways to feel joy and gratitude is to do something for someone else. It can be as simple as making eye contact with the cashier at the grocery store when you say hello, or saying “thank you” to the person who bagged your purchases. Maybe there’s an old friend that you haven’t talked with in a long time who would be thrilled to hear your voice on the phone, or a family member that you’ve been meaning to send photos of the kids to.
I have found that generosity of spirit is contagious, amazing things happen when you are kind to others. The person behind you in the check-out line will then also thank the person bagging, or the cashier will smile back when you really look at her and she’ll start a conversation with you or the person behind you. One good deed causes a chain reaction of more and more joy and love all around you. And this enables us to feel a bit of the joy and peace that resides within all our hearts.
Breathe through your heart, think from your heart, act from your heart and you can’t possibly go wrong. The gift of Divine love you were born with resides in your heart. Show it to the world, speak from that love and that love will return to you a hundredfold.
Something that I say all the time is worth repeating here – Laughter is the world’s best medicine! Laughter releases endorphins, feel-good hormones. Research has found that children laugh about 70% more than adults, so find the child inside of you and let the giggles out! It’s good for the body and the soul!
Best of Health,
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