“Know that you are loved.”
If I had one final opportunity to impart wisdom to the world, this would be my mantra.
To my husband and our three year old little girl: Know that you are loved.
To the people who have stood by me through the changing scenery of life: Know that you are loved.
To the people whose short-sightedness and judgments created barriers along my way: Know that you are loved.
To the soldier who stands guard in the dark hours of night. To the elected officials who sort through the legislation that shapes our society. To the environmentalist lobbying for change. To the woman who delivers the mail. To the father who has lost his job. To the children who have been bullied beyond hope. And to the bullies who have lost their way. The message is the same:
Know that you are loved.
In fact, LOVE is the very stuff you are made of. It’s in your DNA. It’s why your heart beats and your lungs breathe, all without requiring much conscious effort from you.
You are loved with a Love that makes all things possible.
Let this knowing guide you as you make your way through life. Let that Love lead you to new and exciting adventures. Let it bring you peace in the midst of hardship. Let it awaken in you new ideas for expressing the best and highest parts of who you are. Let it strengthen your faith in the goodness of humanity and the potential for peace in our world.
Love makes all things possible. Let it in. Let it fill your cup to overflowing.
Only then can you discover the greatest joy in life: giving your love away.
Can you feel it? It’s closer than your heartbeat…
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