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Barby Ingle

Even when things don’t go the way we plan, everything will work out for the best. It is ok to give yourself a minute or two (maybe an hour or longer) to overcome the disappointment.

For me, life is like the bank: you can only get out of it what you put in! I have worked with a lot of young people in the cheerleading world. Most of them learn quickly that if they don’t put in the time and effort, they don’t end up performing in the big dance. Once in a while, a girl will slip through without having to put in the deposit and still seems to get the return.

Well, my thought is good for her, but don’t let it stop you. Only a few people win the lottery. So, until you win, keep putting in your hard work, time, and dedication. You will get to the top; it will just take a little longer. For your deposit, you will become stronger, more skilled and a better person–and you will get a tenfold return.

A skill I learned first from my dad and then through my involvement with sport teams was time management. If you are early, you will get opportunities no one behind you will receive. If you are late, then there will be consequences, and you usually end up with little-to-nothing. When you show up, you will be at the end of the line, be left behind or miss out.

So always be at least 5 minutes early. Not every clock is set for the same time, so make sure yours is set ahead of the others. If it were something worth doing,then you would have been there at least 30 minutes early.

Many times I hear people say they wish they could be or do something. They never get up and try, or if someone tells them “NO”, then they stop. To me, “No” means find a different way. There is more than one way to win, come out on top, and be the champion. Just buy your own ticket (save up if you need to), get on the ride and take it to the top. Like the lottery, you have to buy the ticket to win. Once you have the ticket, you have the choice to take the ride or you have wasted your time and money.

My final piece of advice is even when you are scared or anxious, tell the truth. It is easier to remember the truth, and you do not have to remind the rest of the group to keep it from that one person (because you know someone will slip and tell). Start with the truth, and you may hurt someone’s feelings for the moment; however, in the end, they will respect you. Getting someone past your lies takes too much work!

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Barby Ingle is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Power of Pain Foundation, as well as a motivational speaker, bestselling author, and patient advocate. She has been a living with an autoimmune condition known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy since 2002. In 2006 she began mentoring other patients through The RSDHope Organization in 2006 and has been involved with the Power of Pain Foundation in various positions since 2007.

Prior to her auto accident causing chronic pain and subsequent surgeries, Barby was a business owner, event coordinator, and head coach at Washington State University for the cheerleading and dance program. She graduated from George Mason University in 1994 with a degree in Social Psychology.

As a volunteer patient advocate, Barby uses her skills from a lifetime of cheerleading to inspire and motivate patients to be self-advocates and offers tips and tools for patients, caretakers, and healthcare professionals. Barby has authored three books on health related issues; RSD in Me! A Patient And Caregivers Guide To Dealing With RSD And Other Chronic Pain Conditions (2009), ReMission Possible; Yours If You Choose To Accept It (2011), and The Pain Code; Walking Through The Minefield of the Health System (2012). She has been featured locally and nationally in radio interviews, newspapers, magazines, print ads, internet ads, and television. Because of her unique story of inspiration Barby appeared on the national shows Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers and The Newlywed Game in 2012, and was featured on The Doctors TV show February 2013.

Recent Honors include “2012 You Are Our Hero” Award from the Neuropathy Action Foundation; Nominated in 7 categories for the 2012 WEGO Health Activist Awards: Best In Show: Facebook, Best In Show: Twitter, Best In Show: YouTube, Paperboy, Ms Congeniality, Health Hero and Offline Crusader.

For more information, please visit

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