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Anthony J.W. Benson brings creative personal management to his companies injoi Creative and injoi Music, as well as his clients, with his extensive production and project development background. Born in London, England, his over thirty year career in the field of personal growth, communications and the entertainment industry has encompassed varied horizons, from conceptual development to public relations, marketing and promotion to music and video production, including involvement with numerous social causes and international media events.

Considered by his peers and colleagues as an expert networker, creative business strategist and communications specialist, Anthony incorporates his finely honed skills and serves as a conduit—connecting people, places, products and ideas—ultimately bridging new possibilities and opportunities for his diverse and ever-expanding client base.

Prior to his move to the southwest, where he currently resides, Anthony served as the Director of A&R, and acted as the Minister of Excitement for the respected music label Tambourine Inc., spearheading the music for the first ever National Geographic World Music CD line.

A popular guest on many radio and television shows throughout the United States, Anthony has appeared on WCCO, The Paul Gonzales Show, The Wisdom Channel and FOX TV. He has also been featured as an authority in his field in Essence Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, The St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota Law & Politics, The Twin Cities Reader and Healthfile.

As an esteemed writer, he’s penned inspiring stories for the best selling books "Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Teenage Soul", and "More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul", as well as serve as a regular contributor and columnist to Miracle Journeys and The EDGE.

He currently acts as founder of injoi Creative and injoi Music, unique forums for artistic, client, project, and product development. Always seeking new and challenging business opportunities he serves as Manager, Music Advisor, Life Enhancement Coach, Marketing and Communications Consultant and Producer for a few select clients.

Anthony resides in New Mexico, and when not blinded by the stunning sunsets, he is occasionally found gasping for air at 10,000 feet atop the craggy peaks of the breathtaking Sandia Mountains.

Anthony is available for speaking engagements and workshops and consults to individuals and businesses at all levels of personal, business and music career development.

For more information, please visit

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