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Daniel Wong is passionate about personal growth, and he is interested in anything related to maximizing your education, career and life.

His determined pursuit of personal growth began at the age of 19, when he realized that he had achieved many things, yet was not experiencing the fulfillment he desired.

Daniel became aware that achievements and accolades—no matter how amazing or noble—never truly satisfy, if they are not motivated by the right purpose. He started on a journey of intense, holistic personal development: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

He especially enjoys working with students and young adults to help them avoid the mistakes he made in the blind pursuit of success, while simultaneously empowering them to run their own race, rather than the race that others expect them to run.

Daniel was so eager to share his transformation from unhappy overachiever to happy straight-A student that he ran his first seminar entitled "Why Is My Life Going Nowhere? And What I Can Do About It" in 2009. This seminar aimed to help participants find new purpose and passion in school and work. Daniel has also given talks on topics such as goal-setting and developing a personal vision for your life. In 2011, he had the opportunity to give a TEDx talk at Duke University entitled "Realistic Idealism: Seeing People as People."

His first book, The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success, was published in 2012.

Daniel studied Mechanical Engineering and Economics at Duke University. He works as a project engineer and resides in Singapore. He is a member of the Asia Professional Speakers – Singapore (APSS) association.

You can read Daniel's blog at Living Large, where he writes on topics related to education and personal development.

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