Darcy Volden Hoag is the founder of SecretsOfHerSuccess.com, a site about dreams realized. It's about vision, success, hope and inspiration. It's about learning how to shoot for the stars and living a life you love taught to you by the experts themselves… other women (and even men) who have walked the road before you and willing to walk the road beside you.
Darcy is a well-recognized e-business expert and personal development coach working for both Joe Vitale and Bob Doyle (best known for their appearance in the movie The Secret) delivering their world-renowned coaching programs.
She was nominated for the Working Woman Magazine’s “Entrepreneur of The Year” award by her peer group and has been profiled on the former Rosie O’Donnell Show. Darcy has also been featured in USA Today, Money for Women, Smart Money, Parenting, and Melrose magazines, as well as numerous books on business and entrepreneurship, all lauding her skills and achievements in pioneering a highly successful national cooperative of women e-business entrepreneurs.
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