Gini Gentry’s teachings stem from the heart of Toltec wisdom while at the same time embracing the unity of truth held within all the mystery traditions. She is committed to revealing the love, honest reflection, and outrageous joy that is our divine birthright with a provocative and often humorously entertaining style.
Gini first met don Miguel Ruiz in 1988. Several years later she was approached and asked to manage don Miguel after his wife Gaya dreamed Gini would expose his work to the masses. Gini accepted the position, and immersed herself in the work. As she personally deepened into the knowledge of the Toltec tradition, she organized and expanded the reach of the teachings including developing “power journeys” with Ruiz for thousands of followers to locations such as Hawaii, Peru, Egypt, Greece, Canada and many sacred sites in Mexico, including Teotihuacan, the heart of the Toltec tradition.
After a few short years, Gini became the Nagual Woman (female spiritual leader) in the Toltec lineage brought forward by Ruiz. Working with don Miguel as his teaching partner, they traveled the world reaching thousands of people through lectures, workshops and journeys to sacred sites.
As once prophesized, Gini became the marketing mastermind that brought Miguel’s teaching to the public. She found the perfect ghostwriter/publisher in Janet Mills and served as the content editor of the New York Times bestseller The Four Agreements.
While Ruiz’s fame began its meteoric rise, Gini built a retreat center at her ranch near Santa Fe, New Mexico, to expand her personal teachings with student residency programs and workshops. Known for combining her unique empathic abilities and interest in the feminine face of the Great Mystery, Gini enjoys success on talk-radio and as a featured speaker at new-thought conferences. Gini continues to combine her unique blend of knowledge through her blog, workshops, and several annual guided journeys to sacred sites around the world.
Gini is the author of Dreaming Down Heaven, available on September 29, 2010 and is featured in the documentary Dreaming Down Heaven slated to be released later this year. She continues to share her unique blend of knowledge through guided journeys to sacred sites around the world, her much followed teachings on Facebook, workshops and personal intensives. Her website www.dreamingdownheaven.com includes direct links to You Tube videos of her teachings at Teotihuacan. When not traveling to share the love, Gini lives and teaches at the Garden of the Goddess Retreat Center in New Mexico.
Gini Gentry can be contacted at [email protected] and at 505-473-5329.
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