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Scott Schilling brings 30+ years of experience in sales, marketing, speaking and training to the financial and service industries, business owners, corporations and entrepreneurs. Through his affiliations with Fortune 500 companies, innovative start-up companies and high paced individuals, Scott brings a wealth of knowledge, sales, marketing, implementation strategies, education and expertise to the podium and to print. Scott's books to date include Talking With Giants!, Extreme ExcellenceConversations on Success and Wake Up...Live the Life You Love.

As an accomplished and entertaining presenter, Scott has spoken to thousands of attendees across a range of industries that include the Stock Market, Chiropractic, Automotive, Transportation, Electronics, Appliance, Insurance and service organizations. Scott's goal is to maximize the potential and God-given talents of the individuals and organizations he encounters. Delivering content in an "easy to understand and digest style" make his presentations extremely valuable by being able to be implemented by his students quickly.

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