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Comments (1)

  1. Such a great Pearls of Wisdom from Myrlande E Sauveur. The number 7 pearl of wisdom ” Take Time For Yourself” makes me think of a great saying I learned which say ” You have to bounce but do not break for when things go wrong,you can bounce but do not break.I feel it is very important in life when we bounces, we need to step back then take time to reconnect. Myrlande really understands how to hold on to dreams and this her 7 pearls of wisdom has really provided elegant tools to help people transform self – limited beliefs and habits. She has given the tools to connect the people true self and their deepest passions. Myrlande wisdom 4 ”Be True To Yourself ” can align your core values with what you are most passionate about and bring your vision of a happy and fulfilled life to reality because if you reveal who you truly are, you will attract the people who most complement your life.I love her 7 pearls of wisdom for she has taken a lot of information and boil them down to the essential in a way that makes it extremely easy to follow. Her talks are nothing short of inspiring.

    ~ El Haji Nero
    President & CEO
    El Nero Business Hub, Inc

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