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The Power of TRY

My message to the world comes down to one word: try. In my lifetime, I have seen too many people afraid to try; too scared to try new things, to try new places, to try meeting new people. Watching them place needless limitations on themselves meant, sadly, watching human potential go wasted. Great ideas, solutions and relationships were never realized or even attempted because they were too reluctant to try. They feared what others may think, they doubted their own abilities or they feared what may or may not happen. Yet, trying can be liberating, empowering, and even exhilarating. Trying leads…

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Are You Willing to TRY?

I am often asked what made me able to accomplish the things I have at my age. My answer is simple. I was willing to try. I'm a regular teenager. I wouldn't consider myself gifted, special, or anything else. I'm just someone who thinks "I can." Sometimes that is all it takes. I have done lectures and workshops for young people all over the country and the greatest ideas I've heard have come from other youth. Sometimes those great ideas never take flight because the kids who came up with them are looking at all the reasons they can't make…

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