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Dan Stotridge is a motivational speaker, writer, and life-coach. After the tragic loss of all his grandparents, all siblings, both parents, and the murder of his best friend, Dan had a choice to make. Would he succumb to negative, fearful thinking or could he find a way to use this tragedy as fuel for his journey?

After years of battling anxiety and depression Dan has not only healed himself, but has also used his story to help others in their journey as well. Dan has created a program called "Dying to Live" that he uses to motivate, teach, and inspire others to stop just "Living to die", and start "Dying to Live". Dan's work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, and various other media outlets.

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Are You Ready to Embrace Adversity?

Live your life in such a manner that it makes yesterday jealous. Always seeking, always hungry, always yearning for greatness. Attach a purpose to all that you do, understanding that it is on purpose that you are here. Never take for granted this purpose, by remaining forever grateful. Love yourself more tomorrow than you did today. Always strive to show yourself more love than you give others, yet never forsaking the importance of paying it forward. This will create around you a circle of love that will grow not only yourself, but also everyone that you encounter. Never underestimate the…

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