- Almost genetically, instilled deep within, the ability to love, trust and forgive is passed from generation to generation.
Unconditional Love Brings Infinite Acceptance
Through trial and error I’ve learned these two things: It is important to become aware of who you really are and acknowledge your spiritual roots. And, it is also important that you honor your physical body for what it is - a gift made of miracles. As we journey toward greater awareness there are many opportunities to find unconditional love and acceptance. Learning to recognize and accept your opportunities for them becomes your spiritual journey. When you find the unconditional love you seek, you also find your pathway to your authentic self which is your divine inner nature. The love…
Love, Trust and Forgiveness
Whether our last day on Earth or the day of our birth, love, trust and forgiveness are the essentials of life. I know that I need these three nurturing ingredients, and I know you need them too. I have found that living within a family is a magnificent gift and a loving commitment. To make the family work, each member offers the gift of being physically, emotionally and spiritually available to the other family members. As insurance, we grow a connection between us so deep and strong that love, trust and forgiveness reach across time and distance to mutually nurture…