- Want love? Be love. Want peace? Remember your worth and God-infused ability to receive and give love.
5 Minutes to Stress Relief
Learn how to release the three fuels of stress INSTANTLY with Lauren Miller's amazing book, 5 Minutes to Stress Relief. After going through two of life's top stressors at the same time, Lauren is committed to equipping people with the tools and techniques needed to expand their experience of inner faith, purpose-driven living and inner peace. Too often people don't deal with their unease until it becomes a disease, as was the case for Lauren. Now she's an expert on stress... and HOW TO BEAT IT. 5 Minutes to Stress Relief is preventative medicine....
Struggling with Stress? It’s Time to Remember Who You Are
During stage three breast cancer treatment I was graced with two out of body experiences. I walked away with two reflections: one, how well did I love God, myself and those people around me? Two, how did I connect on a daily basis with my God-given talents and abilities and use them to inspire and bless those people around me? Align yourself with what you value most in this life. Did you forget what you value most in this life? Tune into what moves you to linger in a moment. Don't miss the opportunity for expansion and growth in the…