- Each night we are offered a doorway to infinity: our dreaming life. And when the dreamscape is explored via the heart’s wisdom, the waking world becomes bathed in wonder.
Getting Over Spiritual Depression
If I was creating my own reality, it was a crappy one. Things looked good from the outside, but inside it was depressing as a bologna sandwich. Even though I couldn't afford the luxury of negative thoughts, they kept multiplying. It was like playing Whack-a-Mole. There are many very good reasons for temporary spiritual depression. One is that the spiritual quest puts us on a collision course with a vast and mysterious unconscious that lies far outside the ego's control. It can be just plain scary and overwhelming. Ancient spiritual traditions barred entry to those who were not carefully prepared…
How Do I Deal With Negative People?
"I have reached a high level of spiritualism in the past 3 years. I find it difficult to interact with family and friends. They don't seem to understand me. Their negativity makes me almost physically ill. I find myself enjoying just being alone. Not sure if that is good or not but I am extremely happy. Do others have the same issues?" ~ PJ, Parma Being alone is a very important part of the spiritual journey. In an overly noisy world it's difficult to find the quiet necessary to cultivate inner perception, and solitude is one way to do that. The…
Finding Unexpected, Inexplicable Grace
“Paul, I’m on the way out.” Grandpa’s words hit me like a ton of bricks. I’d called him after hearing of his hospitalization. In my childhood, whenever Grandpa visited, it was thrilling as Christmas morning. Whenever he would leave to return to his Chicago home, it felt like something was being torn out of me as my sobbing grief erupted into a searing migraine followed by nausea. And now, here I was, a young man in my early twenties, talking to this beloved figure as he stood at death’s door. I was awestruck, for it seemed he was taking me…