Are you trying to take in every moment, however how big or small, every day? Are you finding happiness in those moments? Here are some things you may find joy in:
- Take and make time every day to play with your kids.
- Give some extra love and attention to your pet, if you have one or more.
- Find at least one thing that was wonderful about your day.
- Take in the sunset and enjoy its beauty.
- Savor the loving glances from your spouse, whenever they happen.
- Enjoy the simple things your kids say and do.
- Sit on your patio or porch at night and watch people and cars go by. If the weather isn’t the best, just take a few minutes to do this at the end of your day.
- A little note laying on your pillow or on your kitchen counter – the little things like that can brighten your day.
- Make popcorn and have a movie night.
- Look at nature and take in all its beauty. You can find some amazing things even in the cold months of winter.
- To go along with the last point, take a short walk and enjoy all of winter’s beauty. The way the frost and snow lays on tree branches to the different patterns of snowflakes or the way icicles hang off rooftops.
- Find your favorite quiet place in the house and read your favorite or a good book. Make time for you.
Happiness is an inside job®.
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