What is Ecstasy?
- Rapture
- Joy
- Delight
- Bliss
- Thrill
- Pleasure
These are but a few FEELINGS that you may have when you are LIVING from ecstasy. What’s the big deal about this topic? Who am I to talk about it? Here is what I know for sure: I (we) create our life, and that creation come from actions and those actions cause emotions, thoughts and beliefs to form.
I’ve been around for almost 38 years, and I have to say that I’m still “getting it”. We will always have a to-do list and an in-box, but what do you want those to be filled with? I was an extremely late bloomer in many areas of my life, some of the most painful and humiliating times of my life have taught me my greatest lessons. Now, that is not to say that in order to live in this ecstatic state that we must suffer first. So not true!!!! However, my belief is that I asked for these lessons before I was born so that I can teach others that it is truly possible to live from a state of pure positive expectancy, joy, excitement, passion, love and prosperity.
To live from pure positive expectancy and ecstasy means to live from your core (or your truth), NOT the mask that some show the world every day. What’s the risk of living from your truth? Well, a lot, but I tell you that it is way worth it. You will risk feeling criticized, rejected, uncomfortable, and rebellious even. The rewards are astounding like OWNING your power, NOT giving it aware, no longer taking things personally, playing by your rules, NOT by the ones society has written for us, clarity around what we truly desire, releasing what no longer serves us in order to welcome in the new, the fresh, the exciting AND, here is my all time favorite, you will NOT feel like you have to chase after, manipulate or become needy of anything.
Guess what that will bring you? NADA! That’s right, I said it. It will repel the exact things that you desire. Here is what you will feel and do when you know in your heart of hearts that you are worthy of all of the best things in life: Powerful, irresistible, grateful, loving, joyful, ecstatic and you will TRUST and BELIEVE that all that you desire is coming to you or something much much better. We don’t know what kind of ingredients the Universe is going to use for our ideal career, ideal mate, ideal relationships and so on. So why would you mess with the hows? The HOW is not up to us.
I’ve chased many a things away. However, there are some situations that may have seemed liked it was ruined or hopeless, I was able to turn around. Why? Because I surrendered and let go. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!! I know!!! BIG, HUGE one for me, I gotta tell you. Here’s the thing, when you let go, you feel so much lighter and life feels so much more fun. Now you can go back to the business of wanting what you want and feeling good about it instead of feeling bad about why you don’t have it yet. See where I’m going with this?
Here is my desire for you. Make a list of at least 100 things you are grateful for and another list of 100 you desire. With the list of your desires, I want you to ask yourself why you want these goodies? For example, if you desire more money, is it because you want a feeling of peace, independence, freedom? The feelings and emotions are the key to what you are wanting. The Universe may have bigger and better things planned for you and why in the world would we want to limit the Universe?
Here’s what I also know for sure: I feel freer than I ever have in my entire life. While I continue to learn lessons, and work on each area of my life, I know that I will never get it done. That’s okay. I realized that I’m not here on Earth to get it perfect. I’m here to FEEL love and express LOVE. I’m here to live from abundant and joyous expectancy. I’m here to awaken and aliven the Earth from the slumber of illusions and old paradigms that no longer work. I’m here to play and to teach others how to play. I’m here to help others set themselves free and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are here to rock the planet with your natural talents, passions, magnetic personality, gracious heart, and your radiant joy.
Here’s to a delicious week. I ask you to be on the look out for miracles and magic this week.
Until we meet again, lots of delicious and succulent joy, excitement and love to you!
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