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If I were to leave my beautiful children with a special message for them to carry close for the rest of their days as they walk this Earth in their magnificent bodies, it would be to remember their source: remember love.

This message is relevant for all of us, as we are all grown versions of our inner children, seeking guidance and support in the same way we did as little ones.  Some of us require even more love and support as we mature, as we navigate through this life and face challenges and pains we didn’t expect or know how to process and handle.

Remembering love is as easy as acknowledging our innocence, our unwavering support structure, observing repetitive themes, accepting all that is and isn’t and by loving ourselves dearly, honoring the beauty and magic within us.

It’s important to remember our innocence.  Each and every one of us does the very best we can, with what we know at any given moment in time.  Our very nature is innocent, and so we sometimes fall prey to conditioning and beliefs that perhaps do not serve us or our highest good and potential. This never makes us “bad,” it simply makes us limited.  As we grow and expand, we may choose differently, more in alignment with our true beings.

We are always loved, supported and protected.  Though there will be times when we feel alone and afraid, hurting or helpless, we are always loved, supported and protected by the Divine.  We never walk alone, and encouragement is always just a whisper away.  We are connected by the loving light and Source energy of all things.  We are wise beyond our knowing, with tools and resources available to us each step we take on our path.  Simply ask for help, and you shall receive it.  Everything you need is at your fingertips.

Woman At The BeachPay close attention to your recurring patterns, fears and challenges. Your most important life lessons will repeatedly come up, asking to be seen and addressed.  Many will present themselves in your closest relationships. This includes fears, patterns of behaviors, stories we tell ourselves, vulnerabilities, challenges that reoccur and the like.  Using relationships as mirrors, we have the greatest opportunity to learn about ourselves, to reach new heights we didn’t know possible to attain, and to move into alignment with what feels true and right for us.

There are no such things as Mistakes.  Mistakes are subjective.  Not only are they subjective, they’re dynamic.  What appears to be a mistake one day may turn out to be the greatest blessing the next day.  There is no such thing as “right” or “wrong,” only what feels good and doesn’t.  We learn by trial and error, by contrast.  By learning what we like and don’t like. Failure is another fallacy; a “failure” is simply an outcome other than the one we perhaps expected or desired. It is by these experiences we grow rich in character and strength and knowledge as we move forward in life.

You are more beautiful than you may realize.  You sparkle and shine like no one else can. You came into this world, desiring to experience a separate and individual existence. You chose characters, lessons, circumstances that would shape your time and journey here.  You are perfectly, flawlessly beautiful at all times. Even at your worst.  You are deeply loved for all that you are, and all that you are not. You have a unique voice that shares your very specific message and truth(s).  Accept yourself as is, in this very moment, and love yourself up – unconditionally – as a Mother loves a child. As the Universal Love is, always flowing and always very much alive.

Sweet Child, you are a miracle.  A co-creator with all there is. Take advantage of all that life has to offer, live full today and everyday. Experience this existence and shine your light upon the world. Love unconditionally and without requests for anything in return.  Live and love out loud.  Purely, vibrantly, boldly and fearlessly.  Love is your core.  Love is what you are. What you always were.  And what you always will be.

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Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, Certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and Vice President of a local non-profit that “rehabilitates people through animals.” She is also a writer, a Mother of 3 girls, an artist, a Life-and-Love Junkie, a Self-Expression and Development advocate, and - well, you get the point. She’s a lot of things, just like all of us. Camille is also author of, "The (Real) Love Experiment: Explore Love, Relationships & The Self."  Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at

Visit her instagram at for photos and inspirations.

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Comments (2)

  1. This is so beautiful, Camille! I’ve worked with “Each and every one of us does the very best we can, with what we know at any given moment in time,” both for myself and others, for a long time. And it makes so much difference in how we deal with each other.
    Thank you for this!

  2. Susan, thank you for taking the time to read this, and to comment and share! So glad it spoke to you. XoXo Sending light and love your way.

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