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Istock_000007155018XsmallThis week we asked the question…. What is your favorite holiday memory? Just reading these response made me smile and relive some of the most special moments of the holiday season. I hope they make you smile too.

Here are the responses from some amazing peeps…. (that are ALL great peeps to follow!)

Aboundlessworld– Seeing my family in Shanghai 🙂

GlobalPilot– Gathering around a piano with my family to sing Christmas carols (when I was a kid).

KellyTirman Taking my daughter to see Santa for the first time.

ErinBassett Going to look at Christmas lights as a family.

stacerz02 Pretending to wake up at 6 AM to the smell of breakfast even though my sister & I had been up all night too excited to sleep.

izzyjsmom My fav Christmas movie is my daddy buying his 5 grandkids big teddy bears!! He loved his grandkids soooo much.

chrisdowsett Getting my first bike w/out training wheels when I was 4 from my dad who just got back from a 3 month army posting overseas.

_LookInMyEyes_ My daughters first Christmas. She was not a year old then but she looked at everything with her big brown eyes. So sweet.

ellen5e “Mommy, look Santa brought the baby Jesus and put him in the manger under our twee.”

DebbieCapps The best memory I can share is here. The reaL Santa.  Hope your blessed by it.

QueenofJoy Sneaking out v r room @ 5:30 am 2 check out wht Santa left, & heading back2bed for another 2 hrs. Thot I wz so sneaky! The look on my son’s face when he saw Santa ate the cookies and milk we left out.

missnikki4180 My son being born on new years day =)

tractorqueen Aunts & cousins coming 2 my hse 2 help mum, my lil sis & I 2bake cakes & cookies. All of us gathered ard d table having fun.

markvanbaale Favorite holiday memory: Driving around to look at Christmas lights with family. Christmas music playing on the radio.

SeasonsOfLifeHI Finding a real birds nest in my flocked 70 era tree. It became a decoration for years to come.

ElaineStarling Getting 1 more present as a child- a bicycle hidden in the hallway after all the other presents were opened. Freedom!

lovesays That feeling of hope, kindness and unlimited possibility we feel around the holidays, when we realize we ARE love

nateyweb Sipping hot cocoa with my family surrounded by white Christmas lights

AmandeeTweets Being together with all 4 of my grandparents and my aunt on christmas day is my fave xmas memory.

ankit_patel Spending Christmas and New Years in beautiful London!

va4hire My best holiday memories as a kid involve my bro and I hatching plots to discover what our gifts were before Christmas. We’d come up with one scheme after another every year, my poor parents. (va4hire @inspiremetoday to teach us a lesson one year  there were no gifts under the tree -they were hidden them under our beds-imagine the panic!)

artwedelivercom The best for me was to believe that Santa really existed and kept waiting for him until falling asleep.

chrislovecnm First Christmas with my wife was Magical! She does Christmas right.

bellasays My neighbor dressed up as santa and delivered me and my sis a special gift on chritmas eve. 2 brand new cabbage patch kids!

JenScreative White Christmas,  was little girl w/ frilly dress, slipping on ice giggling as I go to Christmas Eve service- vivid memory.

Iconic88 Favorite holiday memory: celebrating most Christmas’ with my extended family eating, laughing, praying, and smiling in New Zealand & Tonga.

jdenise83 I lfet a carrot out for Rudolph 1 year&I noticed he didn’t eat it Told my mom that he didn’t eat it&she went to bdrm after saying she heard him come back. I then heard her take a bite of the carrot. Haha.


DrMichellexo Three years ago Santa surprised our sons with a Golden Retriever puppy. Best Christmas memory ever!

PlanetSomewhere Every Christmas morning was equally awesome! What I recall the most is always saying “This is the best Christmas ever!!”

KathrynDarden I have the fondest memories of spending Christmas at my grandparents’ house with all my aunts and uncles and my cousin… My grandmother, mother & aunts would spend all day baking, & my grandmother had candles & quaint decorations everywhere…

YLEOils Falling asleep on the steps down to the LR, waiting for Santa to arrive. Waking up in my bed and wondering how I got there!

KreuzersKorner 1st Christmas with my daughter in 2005. Picked out our first Christmas tree and spent the holiday…just the 3 of us 🙂

MelyTJ94 My nephew’s face when Santa (aka Me) brought him a small french white puddle with a santa clause hat cute : )

CustomTrains @inspiremetoday Getting up at 5AM with my brother & sister to see the tree all lite up & the element of surprise awaiting us!

donutfollowme My fave holiday memory: family daytrip on a self-drive picnic boat on Norfolk broads. Beautiful day,great fun & so relaxing!

MoonLightSally Last year, the sight of my then 2 year old grandson, gazing at the Christmas tree. He was wearing footed PJs and looked for all the world like Cindy Loo Who! We called him Jaden Loo Who!

SHAZOZ …the year my Mom passed away, that Christmas it snowed at the times she would have been visiting me and after a lovely .Christmas day Lunch at my inlaws, we came home and me and my brother opened a bottle of red wine and it started to snow…again really heavy and after a few glasses wine, we all ended up on the lawn in our pyjamas having a snowball fight.

bucketree When my bestfriend who died of cancer in 2002, surprised me for university holidays by travelling 12 hrs to spend Christmas.

TDBoyMom Acting out the Christmas story at Gma’s house while Mom played the guitar & we sang carols..I was the angel  😉

blueblue321 When I was a child…trying to go to sleep on Christmas eve with all those exciting thoughts of what tomorrow would bring!

KatieFelten Fav Xmas memory annual family ping pong tourney, sitting by fire and wassel-spicy apple juice with cinnamon.

LoriMoreno My Favorite Holiday Memory is this year knowing that Life is a Miracle and We are all Love.

RodgerButler I had a bear you could crank and it would play “Lil Brown Bear”.

Steven_Jutzi Having a bar full of drunks sing “All I want for christmas is you” to me. My ex included.

Write4Women Getting my first real cowboy boots and they were RED when I was 5. Oh…and I really did dig my cap gun too!

Cecibean My favorite holiday memory was listening to Nat King Cole  while decorating the tree w/ my family each year as a kid.

julzcav Fav holiday was driving thru the highlands of Scotland & it started snowing ->

zachbergen Believe it or not: getting new pajamas the night before Christmas printed with rocket ships and planets in seersucker.

lapiswitch In hotel, waiting for housing in Germany, singing with hotel owners around their tree with my mom, dad, baby sister c.1978.

bluedeerdesign Going  around and caroling to the elderly folks who wear alone on xmas.

IrishSmiley Build our gingerbread house 😉

amymoritz Fav holiday memory: Early mornings w/ my brother, going through our stockings waiting anxiously for mom & dad to wake up

allesegretti Xmas to NY family in bush, no power, just running creek. Ran out of food, gas, fuel on NYE – went to bed at 8 PM 🙂 Bliss.

JessHampson Waking my sis up in the middle of the night & falling down the stairs laughing w/ our flashlights.

YourRomanceDiva Decorating the Christmas tree with my parents, opening all the old ornaments, laughing and having a good time as we try to see what santa left.The flashlights flew so it looked like strob lights & the falling seemed to happen in slomo.

dbooster Waking up @ 1am, sending siblings into parents room to ask if it’s time to open presents yet. 😉 Also, dinner w/grandfolks.

starrstudded Fav Mem: Waking up Xmas morning 2 find my mom sleep under the tree.She’d been up all night”helping Santa”put toys together.

GigiVeganChick Fav holiday memory;enjoying hot chocolate w/marshmellows & singing Xmas songs with my grandma,may her soul RIP.Priceless!:)

etherjammer Sitting up past bedtime with my son at my parents’, drinking eggnog, watching the tree lights, hearing the fire crackle.

kelliincali Last Christmas I was 3 wks pregnant, we moved into a new home, & my sister spent the holiday w/ us. It was PERFECT.

kyhick Always opening gifts on Christmas Eve!

ExPrTMary Holiday mem – Sis & I playing on the snowy sidewalk in front of our house in Milwaukee while waiting for my cousins to arrive.

ihavesuperpower Making cookies with Nana & leaving them 4Santa & trying to figure out why Santa’s thank u note looked like Moms handwriting.

LesbianCafe There is nothing more priceless than every single xmas with my little one as she grows. I love the excitement in her eyes.

bobbyautry 2nd grade when my parents made me believe in Santa again. My g’ma put out presents while we were out lookin at lights. I came home and couldn’t figure out where the presents came from. It was very magical to a little child.

lovebellaluna Makes me sad &miss my dad,a gr8 memory tho.I loved New Years Eve watchin countdown w/him & drinking sparklin champagne w/him. New Year’s Eve is & will always be my favorite holiday because of my dad.

actionkj Best holiday memory is putting together toys for a single mother with my dad to make sure her son had a Merry Christmas.

DarrenSproat My fav holiday memory is this:


My Italian Grandmother baking the most incredible cookies with me every Christmas. Spending time with her in the kitchen wondering why anyone would hand roll pasta…now I appreciate it. After hours of preperation, watching the joy on her face as she nourished all of us…with her love, and the best food I have ever had. I miss my little Grandma!

Hilary Barsby
My entire family gathered in the kitchen on the morning of Christmas’s eve making Pierogis – my granddad’s family recipe. Laughter and delicious smells filled my mind with fond memories.

Hmmm. Good question. I don’t I have a particular favorite but every year when I go over to my grandma and grandpa’s, it’s always enjoyable. Sometimes things can be stressful when family is all together in some families but when we’re all together, there’s like this air of playfulness and joy.

Plus, my grandpa is, in my opinion, the greatest man alive so it’s always a joy to hang around him and my grandma who’s easily one of the most loving and giving women I know.

Myrlia Purcell

The excitement that came from knowing that *this* was the year I was big enough to catch Santa coming down the chimney, and the mystery of how he managed to slip past me every time.

My grandmother was known for shopping like a fiend for Christmas – female Santa embodied. Trouble was, she stashed gifts all over the house, under beds, etc., because she had so many and started so early that she couldn’t find several of them. It happened every year.

THANK YOU for your responses and for being such an integral part of our community. We love and appreciate you!

May your holiday season be blessed and may you create additional memories to cherish for years to come.

Love and hugs,

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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Comments (2)

  1. Thanks for including my memory (@starrstudded) in the list. I had a great time talking about Christmas’ past with my mom when I reminded her of that year.

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