By Rev. Edie Weinstein
Recently I had a revelation by way of a strand of wiring, a battery and a piece of electronic circuitry that provides education, entertainment and a portion of my right livelihood work. I was sitting at my trusty laptop computer, busily typing an article and noticed that the screen went dim. Now, I know that there are times when my eyes experience fatigue from hours of concentration without a break, but this was something entirely different. I observed that the plug which connects the computer to the battery was slightly dislodged. The moment I fit it back into its little outlet..ta-da…the screen was once again illuminated. So simple a fix, carrying with it so profound a message. Just as the computer needed to be connected to its power source in order to work at optimum level, so too do we need to be tapped into our Source. You might call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Creator, Divine or any number of other names. It matters not how you refer to it.
Many’s the day when I have to remind myself to check my connection, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed, angry or frustrated. I can tell when I am doing what I sometimes call “running on adrenalin and fumes.” Not only have I felt physically fatigued, but emotionally drained, spiritually empty and my ability to handle every day life stuff dips down into the red zone. My compassion meter runs a quart low and I am scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas and energy. You get the picture.
When the link is secure, so too am I. The love flows unimpeded. I feel a sense of Oneness with all that is and almost nothing rattles me. At that level, I am not disturbing my own peace, ruffling my own feathers or pulling the rug out from under myself.
Another issue I have been facing is one that centers around asking and then receiving what I have asked for. We all should have such a problem. I am a firm knower (not just believer) that when I set intention, it usually occurs either as I have requested or something even more ‘blow me out of the water’ amazing than I could have imagined. What I have been visioning is doing my writing and speaking full time. In the past few months, opportunities and offers have been streaming in. New friends and collaborators have been showing up, by divine design; which is the name of my business, the title of which came to me in a dream. When I asked what those words meant, The Voice said “You’ll know.” For the past 20 years, I have been a journalist, interviewing many of the movers and shakers in the transformational fields. I have seen myself on the ‘big stage’ just as they have been and am certain that is part of my purpose and certainly my passion. Lately I have been invited to speak and to be interviewed on the same radio programs as they have been as well. And yet….there is still this ‘agnoxious’ (aggravating and obnoxious) voice yammering at me…about worthiness. As one host said to me when I acknowledged that I was among lofty company, “You’re a star too.” My friend Peggy said she would call me on it, any time I was tempted to hide my light under a bushel. In an interview this past week with Candy Danzis, who refers to herself as The Mainstream Mystic, she reminded me that in order for Spirit to use me to shine through, I needed to make myself available to do so. Shutting down the channel out of fear or a sense of unworthiness impedes the flow. In that way, I am reminded to maintain the connection.
This evening, as I was vacuuming my office, the door of which is labeled “Imaginarium”, I inadvertently shut off the surge protector into which the internet modem and the battery that charges the computer were plugged. I had no clue for awhile why I didn’t have internet access until I noticed once again that the computer was not operating at full capacity. Once I turned the strip back on, the internet was restored, as was the computer’s energy, as was my own.
So it seems that both the computer and I are Higher Powered. Charge!
Rev. Edie Weinstein is a Renaissance Woman and Bliss Mistress who enjoys teaching people how to live rich, full, juicy lives, discovering their passion and purpose. She wears many hats, including that of a journalist, writer, speaker, workshop facilitator, interfaith minster and PR Goddess. Her website is
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