Hello to all of you wonderful friends at Inspire Me Today! My name is Lindsey and I run a little piece of cyberspace called a GreatFull day. There I try to blog about what makes my days great and full. Along the way I hope to inspire others and create good. I think that life is a celebration and each day is full of wonder and deserving of gratitude.
Every year at this time there are always so many giveaways. It is a perfect time to thank readers, customers and friends for their support. Like many others, I wanted to come up with a way to thank all those who visit my blog but I wanted to try something a little different, something that really kept with the theme of a GreatFull day. Many ideas came and went but for one reason or another wouldn’t work. Finally the right idea came to me! It encompassed everything I wanted in a Christmas project/giveaway of sorts: great prizes, the Christmas spirit and good deeds.
The Great Give was born out of my hope to inspire people everywhere to give of themselves this season. The idea is simple…do a good deed, no…a great deed, and tell me about it. Blog about it and share the link with me (or email me if you don’t have your own blog) and you’ll be entered to win one of three great prize packages. Speaking of generous, sponsors have donated over $1600 in goodies for those who do great things!
The idea is that people will do small things, big things, any thing to help out the world in some way. By blogging about it or sharing it, that will inspire others. Imagine how people everywhere doing great things could change the world. Imagine the chain reaction of greatness that could get started!
Before you shy away from the challenge keep in mind that your “Great Give” doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, take a lot of time or put you in a bind. You could donate your time to a charity for an hour or two, help an elderly neighbor shop for gifts, give a toy to a childrens’ shelter, run an errand for a sick friend, ring a bell for the salvation army…you can see the list goes on and on. Do what moves your heart. What would make your friend’s day? What could make a difference for your family? How could your actions effect your community?
So are you in?
Visit my blog for all the details and hurry! Your opportunity to enter ends Sunday at midnight.
Just think…you have the weekend to do a great deed AND be a winner because even if you don’t take home one of three prizes, you’ll still get a great prize! The amazing feeling you’ll have is a gift in itself!
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