By Gail Lynne Goodwin.
In this holiday season of giving presents, let’s not forget the greatest present we can give to another person… that of the gift of being present.
Recently I was in a coffee shop in San Francisco, watching a group of people seated at a table together, all texting on their phones, to someone else. Chances are that if they weren’t with the friends they were with in person, they would have been texting them too. Yet, they were together physically, but still focused elsewhere. What a lost opportunity to connect!
We’ve become addicted to being connected, to the extent that we’ve lost the personal connection with one another- especially in person.
Next time you’re in a public place, be aware of the people around you and look how many are with friends, yet busy surfing, texting or otherwise ignoring one another. Then go do something different. Be present with those that you are with.
It is a true gift when someone looks into your eyes and devotes their full attention to you when you are speaking. It shows that they are genuinely interested in what you have to share, and that they care about you. It feels good to give this kind of attention to a friend, and doubly good to receive it too.
This holiday season, watch your behavior and notice when you’re being present versus when you’re just there physically. Be aware of the impact that your behavior has on those around you. Realize that one of the best gifts that we can give to one another is the gift of our time, our attention and our presence.
Photo credit: Astrogrl
Hi Gail, This a true beauty you cannot manifest some thing big if you don’t pay attention to little things and these small, small things laying a foundation for something bigger. Present is your biggest presence. Thank you very much and my blessings.
Agree with you – nothing worse then sitting next to someone when their attention is elsewhere. Makes you feel like YOU are a nuisance! I vote leave the phone in your pocket & give the person you are with your FULL attention!