By Sheevaun Moran.
Yesterday, I was speaking with a few clients about money issues. They were each talking about what they didn’t have and what was going wrong. Each of them was entrenched in the problem rather than the solution.
Money is the energetic equivalent of flow. When you go into the place of thinking you don’t have it and it’s too hard to get it, you are building a dam. If you are positive thinker on one hand and a worrier on the other you are canceling out the positive.
It takes 40 times more energy to use negative forces than it does to use positive forces. This has been proven by science again and again.
If you don’t think you have something then you won’t. When you’re worried about people taking advantage of you then that is exactly what they will do. Employees will respond to your thoughts and do exactly what you tell them. The energy of your thoughts is as powerful to manifest results, whether bad or good.
My client the other day completely negated all the good several of his staff had done. They each made different mistakes and yet he was about to fire them. His real issue was that he was impatient and didn’t communicate well enough along the way and wanted everyone to know how to do something he had never spoken. This is another aspect of stopping the flow and building a dam.
Your thinking is stopping you in many areas. Where is it stopping you? Thinking that the employees are honorable and are exceeding your expectations is going create less friction in the universe. Keep the thought of success, as everyone is mentally drawn to the energy of that thought.
When you follow the need to be over-responsible you are actually limiting your security. You are putting yourself at a more at risk position when you are stopping your success with negative self-aggrandizing thoughts. You are predetermining your success when you act from fear.
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