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Destination Awesome

Amiee is a true rags to riches story. Her mom left when she was two-years-old and her dad wasn’t around much so she pretty much raised herself. She was the first in her family to go to college and graduate debt-free. Then she opened her own business and built a team of more than 100 people. Amiee’s book Destination Awesome is a collection of wild stories of experiences she had growing up, the lessons she learned from those experiences and how those lessons helped her become a successful, happy adult. She also interviewed others who’ve overcome their own unique challenges. Destination Awesome is a road map that can help you achieve your awesome life regardless of your past or current circumstances. This book reminds us that no matter what we are dealing with or where we come from, we can create the life we want. Get Destination Awesome!
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Making the Most of the Hand You’re Dealt

Life has a way of dealing each of us a deck of cards that ranges in numbers and colors. Each and every day we wake up and pull a card and the day has been defined. There are good days and great days and sad days and unhappy days; however there is one thing that is is guaranteed – you have the freedom to accept what you are dealt or you can fold. Over the course of a little more than four years, I had no idea what cards I would be dealt or that I would desperately need to find…

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28 Days to a Life of Gratitude

What if you could live in a state of joy--not just some of the time, but always? What if you could revisit every passage of your life, from birth to adulthood to your final days--and see it as a profound soul journey? What if the hardships of the past faded away, and you saw them as simply part of the path we each travel? With warmth and compassion, spiritual teacher Sara Wiseman helps you open your eyes to the beauty of your own life--the good, the bad, the all of it--and recognize it as infinite blessing. As you journey through each of the 28 vignettes, you'll come to a new understanding of your life from a soul perspective, including: growing into your authentic self, building a life of meaning and purpose, releasing old hurts and regrets, and more. If you're ready to let go of adversity and find joy, it's time for 28 Days to a Life of Gratitude.

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Why Life ISN’T Unfair

Life isn't unfair... it is always fair! Now, I can imagine the tremendous leap of faith that embracing this premise might require. We've all posed the question: "Why me? Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a good God allow such injustices to occur?" None of us is immune to seemingly negative occurrences, but life's events become calamities only if we make the conscious decision to make tragedies out of them. The storms in one's life, while they have the potential of creating incapacitating turbulence in the mind, do not have to. We might just as easily…

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Unwavering Strength

Discover the inner strength and courage to overcome grief, loss, phobias and trauma. Unwavering Strength: Stories to Inspire You through Challenging Times is the first in a series of highly inspiring books by Judy O’Beirn and friends. It is a moving collection of inspirational stories from 32 gifted authors, including Daniel Parmeggiani, Jeanne Henning, and Dr. Terry A. Gordon. New York Times bestseller author Peggy McColl's moving foreword beautifully establishes the tone for the stories that follow. Unwavering Strength shares real-life experiences that will help you find strength and comfort in the journeys others have taken through grief, loss, trauma and heartache. As you read this book, you’ll realize we are defined by our ability to rise up from our lowest points and reach into our hidden potential for incredible growth, love and compassion. A percentage of the proceeds from Unwavering Strength book sales are being donated to cancer recovery programs.

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5 Lessons for Happiness

Here are a few of the best lessons I can happily share: 1. Life is tough Agreed, life is filled with trials and tribulations. To say one is happy all the time is a lie. To know happiness is available at any time is a truth. Happiness will not wait for us. Happiness will not invite us to the party. We must invite ourselves to say, "yes", diving deeply and happily into life... all of it... the ups, downs, twists and turns of our miraculous journey. Happiness exists in tandem with adversity. Happiness waits in all the nooks and crannies…

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The SMART Way to Your Dreams

Life is way too short, so take risks! Danger or risk can mean different things to different people. However, in order for you to achieve and create the life of your dreams and reach your goals you need to take risks! It is when you get out of your comfort zone that you truly live and achieve your goals. So how do you do that? Make a list of goals and dreams you want to accomplish. Then pick your top priority goal or the goal you wish to focus on first and define this goal by using the SMART system.…

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5 Choices that Will Change Your Life

We can choose to grow habits of the mind and the heart that will guide us naturally to love and service. We can blossom through presence and good mental habits to awaken our authentic spirit. Love is the common denominator. Love is the universal energy of the universe. The human condition is enduring; adversity will forever ascend. The impact of adversity can be an insidious virus or rich nourishment for our souls. We can choose to use adversity as nourishment to awaken our authentic spirit. Our authentic spirit is our love, which we are, and our service, how we act.…

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Finding the Opportunity in a Stroke

I had a stroke in June 2011 and went through a complete transformation of self, learning so much from facing such a life-altering experience that almost killed me. The biggest questions in my mind became "What's really important in life?" and "How do I create a new life for myself?" We are presented with opportunities from one minute to the next throughout our lives, good and bad. When the opportunity comes in the form of a life-altering experience such as mine, our choices of how to handle it will either propel us forward on a journey of inner peace or…

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Triumph Over the Toughest Challenges

I was 27 years old, at the start of my medical career and expecting my first child, when the neurologist confirmed what the first clinician had suspected - the tremor I had been experiencing over the preceding year was Young Onset Parkinson's Disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. The diagnosis was made and my dance with denial, fear, anger and secrecy began, one that lasted almost a decade. Thoughts of disability and helplessness eventually turned to hope and optimism but the transformation was a painful and difficult process. My story however is not unique. Each…

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