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Rehab for the Soul

Enjoy the brilliance of this world while you can, but more importantly learn to understand this world's limitation. The world is an amazing and inspiring place, but only for those who have the patience and the perseverance to truly understand the greatness behind the tests we face during our lives. Seeking to skip the struggle, is seeking to skip the meaning. In my experience, our lives have been conceived so that we may pull ourselves out of our old ways of being. It works to abolish these older versions of ourselves so that we may live a more inspired existence,…

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dr jacob liberman

Agitation is Evolution – Welcome Each Moment

In 2014, my cat had a stroke, rendering her blind and deaf with little memory left. On the advice of my vet, I made the difficult decision to have her euthanized. Her death was one among a sea of losses, which seemed to arrive all at once. That year, due to mounting expenses, I felt compelled to sell my home. This came on the heels of closing my business, which resulted in considerable financial loss. That same year, my literary agent died, and I parted ways with my then romantic partner who’d been by my side for more than a…

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Don’t Sabotage Your Attitude

Superstitions are irrational beliefs - beliefs that are held in spite of evidence to the contrary. Do you carry the daily burden of irrational beliefs and/or earlier life transgressions that work to sabotage your good efforts and attitude? Are you going through difficult times with family members in rehab or with you personally with your addictions, diseases and problems? In my own life I have seen (and participated in) failed relationships, drug addiction and errant business ventures. When these things happen, it is easy to let these "failures" weigh heavily upon your shoulders. Some go so far as to willingly…

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Happiness is a Choice

Here’s what I know for sure, Happiness Is A Choice. There is so much more we are capable of, and through mindset and beliefs, we have the power to design our life and choose happiness. The hustle of life is filled with people, events, and stimuli, there’s no avoiding it. The weather. Traffic. People at the coffee shop. Eating dinner with the family. Stimuli encountered throughout the day aren’t ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ they’re neutral, and often cannot be controlled. Everyday, we are presented hundreds of situations. The beautiful part is that based on our beliefs, we have total self-power to…

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Leverage Your Entourage To Shine Your Light

"They'll never make it through the night." That's what the doctors proclaimed when we were born. As identical twins, born nearly three months premature and weighing just two pounds each, that seemed appropriate, right? They read our last rites and waited. Nearly four decades later, they must still be waiting. Both of us weigh just slightly more than two pounds now (smirk), and we have had a lifetime to live with gratitude that we actually did "make it through the night." The road was not an easy one, though, and we have had to come through much adversity. But because we…

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The Hard Lessons in Life

Adversity happens to all of us. I have learned that you cannot control a lot of things that happen in your life and you cannot control the feelings that come over you. However, you can control what you do with those feelings. Only you control how you let the events in your life affect you, your future and the future of your family. It is interesting to me that two people can have similar adversity in their lives and yet each will come out of it differently. One may fall apart mentally and emotionally because of the difficult events they…

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Your Secret Super Power

I have come to learn the power of belief in self. I didn't realize the significance or the true power of this until I was forced to face extreme stress stemming from my husband's chronic illness. The message that I have only recently really heard is "belief becomes reality." It is absolutely true that your belief in something will come to be, if you have a definite, genuine conviction of it and the dedication to work toward it. Wishing something to occur is very different from an inner core knowledge that something will absolutely happen, acting as if it is…

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Fabulous at the Core!

I am unapologetically optimistic about everything, because life is too short to do otherwise. This thing called life is the best invention ever! Sure, it has had me on my knees a few hundred times but every time, I get up a better more capable me. There have been many times when I wanted things to be different than how they were... not anymore! Now I take life as it comes. I have finally caught the hang of it: I expect life to show up being life - full of stuff! And I don't take any of the stuff personally.…

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Your #1 Priority

Believe in yourself, no matter what. Living brings challenges, traumas test you; obstacles threaten to block your every move. The only element strong enough to overcome all of these things is your belief that you can transcend them. Your belief system is at the core of everything you do, say, think and feel. The beliefs you hold influence your interpretation of yourself, the world, events and all that's possible in your life. Out of all the beliefs you carry, the most important ones are those that relate to how you perceive yourself. If you believe you are strong, courageous, creative…

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Are You Creating the Future You Want?

At this very moment, you are creating your future. Some people believe that life just happens and that there is nothing they can do about it. Don't make this mistake. You will limit the abundance that you are meant to have in your life. There are bad things that happen and there are circumstances that cannot be changed. However, in every situation, you can make choices. If you truly want to live a good, authentic and rewarding life, you have to internalize the fact that it is your daily choices that decide how your life will turn out. Each minute…

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You Are Not Alone

We achieve nothing alone. Even to find out what is within us, to discover our place in this world, takes the engagement and intervention of others. As you struggle through challenges and uncertainty, take heart in this fact, as it has been proven time and again on the biggest stages of history. Just look at Thomas Edison, known as one of the world’s greatest and most prolific inventors. But this almost didn’t come to pass. As a boy struggling with dyslexia—a condition not understood in the 1850s—Edison’s school teacher labeled him “addled” or incapable of learning. Frustrated by how this…

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Seize This Brand New Day

Today is a brand new day. A day full of opportunity. Regardless of your current situation you hold within you the ability to achieve amazing strides. We are all given opportunities to choose our paths in life. Often that task seems daunting but if we can keep the faith and just hold on, victory is on the way. Today you were given a gift that many were not given - the gift of life. Every moment that we are allowed to stay on this earth is a gift which should not be taken for granted. I have learned the hard…

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The Inner Beauty of You

Everyone experiences difficulties, heartache and drama but the truth of who you are is never found in the loss, the sadness or the pain that being human brings. The real truth of who you are is a beauty as constant as the northern star. If you remember nothing else then, never forget that beyond the troubles of this world there is another place where you can choose the part of you that is always loving and true, and totally in touch with the knowledge that we are all one and that a part of us always was and always will…

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