Enjoy the brilliance of this world while you can, but more importantly learn to understand this world’s limitation. The world is an amazing and inspiring place, but only for those who have the patience and the perseverance to truly understand the greatness behind the tests we face during our lives. Seeking to skip the struggle, is seeking to skip the meaning.
In my experience, our lives have been conceived so that we may pull ourselves out of our old ways of being. It works to abolish these older versions of ourselves so that we may live a more inspired existence, an existence which allows us to lead the way for others who may be stuck in the dim corners of suffering on this earth. Lao Tzu stated, “If I give up who I am, I become who I might be”. These are words I always aspire to live my life by.
If you had all of eternity to be alive, then what would you do with that time? Would you feel okay with living forever? If not you might want to look at the reasons why not, as these may provide clues to your troubles here.
During this lifetime you may be able to build a mansion of a soul for yourself, but first we must all destroy the old home standing in its way. Life never pompously expects our compliance- no, instead it asks for our sacrifices willingly. Those who are prepared to journey into the deepest depths of the human experience will, in my opinion, one day understand that no price is too great when searching for the true self.
Voluntary sacrifice is akin to true nobility in my estimation, for I do not think that heaven exists merely for its own sake. This karmic bootcamp was set up to whip us into spiritual shape, to develop an elevated sense of morality that pervades our entire lives. How do we expect our soul to evolve into a better world if we cannot uphold our own self-created standards of morals and ethics? Be humble enough to accept that no matter how great of heights you may rise to, there will always something new to learn and someone greater than yourself there to teach you, if you’re willing to listen.
Thank you Austin, very enlightening.
Nice job, Austin. Excellent advice.
This was a much needed reminder. Tough situations create tougher people, and it is ALL for our strengthening & forward evolution, spiritually.
Deeply appreciate your words Austin. You’re sharing is very timely for me Austin as I am once again going through a difficult passage. A deep heartfelt thanks!
Love confirmation of great advice! It just keep reminding me of what’s right. Thank you for that.
Thanks for your thoughtful words.
Your words are so similar to the words my daughter, Anastasia Netri, is saying. Thank you for becoming who you might be.
Right on Dude! You are awesome!
Very well written 😊👍!