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by Rev. Edie Weinstein

According to Wikipedia: “six degrees of separation (also referred to as the “Human Web”) refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth.”

All well and good, but in my life, the ratio seems to be far more intriguing. Chances are someone I know, knows someone else that I know. I come by that gift genetically since nearly everywhere we went, my father knew someone. I couldn’t figure out how he did it. Now I know. He befriended people everywhere he went. Simple as that.

During a recent speaking engagement, II shared stories about the Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb trail that led me to that community, to my husband, to some of my dearest friends who at one point, I didn’t know existed on the planet. As I was regaling them, in walks a young woman named Ruthanne Wood. A visionary writer and life coach, Ruth is part of that web. When Michael and I met in 1986, we were introduced by a local artist named Ute Arnold. At the time, Ute had open house gatherings in her home. I began attending them and delighting in the kindred souls who showed up. One of them was a precocious 11 year old whose mother Catherine would bring her. A ‘grown up in a kid suit’, “Ruth the poet” as Michael called her, would read her creations to us. This was quality stuff, and it was hard to perceive that it came from the imagination of a pre-teen. I had the joy of watching Ruth grow up and a few years ago, when Ruth met Jason and decided to get married, she asked if I would officiate. I was deeply touched. I heard echoing in my own mind what my mother and others of her generation would say as they sighed “They grow up so quickly.” Apparently they do, since Ruth is now 34 years old.

The social networking phenom known as facebook is based on the same principle. I joined it a few months ago and already, I am connected to close to 1386 people. Some I know in face to face life and some I know in cyber-land via contacts with other friends. Amazing to know that someone with whom I share thoughts and dreams, inspiration and fun is only a mouse click away. It brings to mind the Disney theme park ride song

“Small World”
It’s a world of laughter
– A world of tears

It’s a world of hopes
– And a world of fears

There’s so much that we share
– That it’s time we’re aware

It’s a small world after all

Edie Weinstein-Moser is a colorful and creative writer, dynamic speaker, social worker, interfaith minister and self proclaimed Bliss Mistress. Her website is

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Edie delights in inviting people to live rich, full, juicy lives. She is an internationally recognized, sought after, colorfully creative journalist, interviewer, author and editor, a dynamic and inspiring speaker, licensed social worker and interfaith minister, BLISS coach, event producer, certified Laughter Yoga Leader, certified Cuddle Party facilitator, and Cosmic Concierge.  Edie is the founder of Hug Mobsters Armed With Love, which offers FREE HUGS events world- wide on a planned and spontaneous basis.

She speaks on the subjects of wellness, relationships, trauma recovery, addiction, mental health, spirituality, sexuality, loss and grief.  

Edie is the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary and co-author of Embraced By the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose.  She has also contributed to several anthologies and personal growth books, including Taming the Anger Dragon: From Pissed Off to Peaceful.

 Her work has been seen in Beliefnet,  Elephant .Journal  Psych Central, The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project,  as well as a growing number of other publications.

She was the host of Vivid Life’s It’s All About Relationships on Blog Talk Radio for more than three years.

Over the past 30 years, she has had the honor of interviewing His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Louise Hay, Judith Orloff, Debbie Ford, Arielle Ford, don Miguel Ruiz, Wayne Dyer, Bernie Siegel, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Grover Washington, Jr., Dan Millman, Ram Dass, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Dennis Weaver, Mariel Hemingway, Ben & Jerry and SARK.

In the last four decades, she has worked with those who have been diagnosed with life-altering conditions, including mental health issues, cardiac disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, infertility, end-stage conditions, eating disorders, addiction, traumatic brain injury, stroke, depression, and anxiety. She focuses on her clients’ resilience and assists them in developing a solid toolkit of coping skills. As both a clinician and a patient, she is aware of what it is like to be on the other side of the treatment relationship and can be of service to the patient, their caregivers, as well as the treatment team. Edie can address the issues that arise such as body image, trauma, sexuality, relationship changes, vulnerability, change in physical or cognitive ability, aging, end of life issues, and communicating needs.

If you want to: 

  • Embrace life fully
  • Release patterns that have kept you from moving forward
  • Re-write the narrative to create the life of your dreams and desires
  • Enhance your relationships
  • Become an Opti-Mystic who sees the world through the eyes of possibility

Contact me today to see how I can meet the needs of your organization, publication or the person who looks back at you when you gaze in the mirror.

For more information, please visit

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