Happy Thanksgiving!
This week we asked this question on Twitter:
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, what are you most thankful for and how do you celebrate it every day?
We received more than 100 responses and the while the answers were not surprising individually, collectively they caused me to think in a deeper way.
Over 50% of those who responded were grateful for the people in their lives- the relationships with friends and family. Nearly 20% expressed thanks for being alive and their connection to God/the Universe. Possibility, opportunity and good health were mentioned in 15% of the responses.
Many things made the list, from education, creativity, laughter, music, beauty, hugs, trust, making a difference, social media and our site InspireMeToday.com, to some who were grateful for the lessons learned from the imperfections of life.
But what stood out to me more than what people said, is what they didn’t say. Where’s the big house and the fancy car? Where’s the 6-figure a year job? Where’s the big bank account? Less than 3% of the responses included anything related to job, work or money, yet we focus much more than 3% of our time and energy in this area!
In an average day, we probably spend more than 75% of our waking time dealing with work and money and less than 25% enjoying the things that we say really matter. It seems to me that something’s backwards.
In this reflective time of the year, I encourage you to look at the things that you are grateful for- and focus more of your time and energy on these things in the coming year. If you look back, most of what we worried about this year doesn’t matter today. But our connections with our friends, family and community, our love of life and our connection to the Divine- THAT matters, as evidenced in our lists below.
If nothing else, perhaps it will give you something to think about over this holiday weekend and more things to add to your own gratitude list.
To all who responded, thank you! We greatly appreciate your participation and thank you for being such an integral part of the InspireMeToday.com community. During this special holiday season and every other day as well, we are grateful for you in our lives.
Enjoy the responses and feel free to add your own in the comment section. Happy Thanksgiving!
(Also these are all real, live, interactive peeps and great folks to follow on Twitter. Just click on the link to do so.)
@DrMichellexo What am I most thankful for @inspiremetoday ? I’m thankful & cherish all of my relationships.
@BviSailing Grateful for sunshine, strong breezes, friendship, and bushwackers! Enjoy life- sail more!
@VANGALZ I am most thankful for being alive, family, our health and for being who we are! We all have a lot to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
@rickybuchanan (context: I’m bedridden. Have many friends with life threatening/terminal disabilities.) Most grateful for being alive. So many friends aren’t any more. Celebrate by LIVING life not just coasting.
@kyhick Never missing a chance to tell those I love that I love that I love them.
@ThereseMiu Thankful for my family I live to inspire and I inspire to live in da present moment with them.
@LoveSays Love is always the answer. Love, love, love. Every day, in every way, love one another and yourself.
@GlobalHugTour Hugs, love, and the generosity of those who are reaching out and making a difference to others.
@QueenCDJ I am most thankful for the privilege of prayer. If it had not been for the Lord…whew..I can’t even tell ya..
@CoachFloSchell Most grateful for the ability to love and be loved by family& friends, esp.my hubby, mom, sons, sister, and grandchildren.
@lineajones I’m most thankful 4 my sons (ages 8 & 7). I celebrate by giving each a heart @ bedtime which incl a msg abt their gr8ness.
@jenlouden I’m most grateful I get to have a life, to be alive, & I celebrate it as often as I can by being present & saying thank U.
@Chandih My family/spiritual family/home/my path with many spiritual blessings, expressing the essence of who I truly am this lifetime.
@dsmy I’m thankful for health, my wife and the many new doors of opportunity that are opening up for me.
@elainestarling I’m grateful that life is full of silly moments. These “wrong” moments make the best memories and shared laughter.
@missyspice I am thankful to spend another Thanksgiving with both of my parents alive + healthy.
@ecdesignz My 2 healthy kids. Both came into this world in a stressful fashion but are now resilient and strong.
@ID1611 I am Thankful for Jesus revealing himself to me & having peace of mind w/the Lord & having peace w/in my own Heart.
@JamesFeudo I am very thankful for the people in my life, the opportunities I’ve been given and the successes I’ve enjoyed.
@MSunshineKay For the best family and friends who support me without judgment and inspire me daily. Such a great feeling of love.
@neontapir Thankful for my mom. Going through a rough time and she’s been fantastic support!
@MattKarlin I’m thankful for the ability to contemplate the meaning of gratitude.
@DrMichellexo Thankful for My Friends. My Friendships are “My Family” that I create. How do you celebrate what you are thankful for? I tell my friends how much I appreciate them. Often.
@cecibean I’m most thankful that my family taught me how to take care of myself AND others.
@OdysseyMentor I am most thankful for my family, friends and the new opportunities that unfold for us each day.
@spoilednattyyah Most thankful for my life & all I’ve experienced, my loving hubby, my amazing daughter & son, my faith in God & the sun.
@ferndalebear One thing to be thankful for is state program sending me to college for job retraining.
@BrettGreene I’m thankful for connection to friends like you even though it won’t be Thanksgiving at your house for me this year. 🙁
@susangiurleo My supportive husband and beautiful, healthy child. Everyday we celebrate with lots of laughter, hugs, kisses. All we need.
@Sarah_Prentice I’m SO thankful for my friends & family that make my life rich & full! I’m blessed and grateful! 🙂
@GoodHealthMary Thankful most for family and good health. All the “stuff” is just cool whip on the pumpkin pie!
@JayBerkowitz I am thankful for new Social Media friends 24/7.
@KindNotes I’ve been given too many blessings from God. I’m thankful for so many things, especially for having a loving family.
@Jessy1822 Thankful 4 health my family, my job & my friends. God always listening to my prayers. For being blessed.
@MargalitWard My health, family, my creativity, friends, nature, spirit, laughter, music, enjoying other’s creativity, beauty.
@LifeShineCoach The awesome power of the universe & how magical things happen when you trust that everything unfolds as it is meant to.
@AnnePMitchell I am *so* grateful that I really *can* have it all, and I celebrate it every day by *doing* it all! (TY! How are you??)
@BoundlessSuccess I’m thankful for Inspire Me Today, and I voraciously read your tweets as often as I can!
@MoneyEnergy Twitter especially has great potential for bottom-up social change and personal empowerment – glad to be a part of it.
@DrMollieMarti Thankful for my life & my family. Celebrate daily by living FULLY to help others & giving fam my love & full presence.
@ScottQuitter I’m thankful for my awesome relationship with my wife and for my life, in general.
@BlancaV I am thankful for Jesus Christ, the ability to live on purpose & my family. I want others to see Christ thru me ea day. Thankful for @inspiremetoday & fab followers of my mini ministry, 2! Love catching short glimpses of everyone’s world!
@ki2mylife For my family and friends (twitter,Linkedin,FB included 🙂 along w/ all opportunities. Celebrate through their success.
@jayelisson We already celebrated thanksgiving(cdn), however; I am thankful daily for my daughter and we commit to 10 hugs/day:)
@iBrunette @inspiremetoday I’m thankful for a strong support system. In good times & in bad, my family & friends have been more than amazing.
@kittiebella I celebrate w/close family and friends, being together is the most Thankful thing. Everyday I thank God for them & my bless
@micjee Thankful to have people who love me and support me, each day I try to stay open hearted & open minded 2 them and others
@honeyluv88 For my family, real true friends, life, health, and being able to accomplish my dreams and goals! And my bestie!
@JSAVERY Definitely for my husband’s unexpected supportiveness when I lost my job of 20 years – more so since I was breadwinner!
@kyhick Most grateful for my big family, you never know unconditional love until you are the youngest of nine and still feel special!
@barrymoltz What I am most thankful for is that I can earn a living at something I love doing.
@Iconic88 I am thankful 4 my family, friends, culture, & every experience I’ve had in my life to share the lessons with others. I celebrate every day by praying, meditating and giving thanks many, many times a day.
@cupcakes5 I have a long list-but most thankful for the love of my family. : )
@laurchuletaaa Family, friends, and life itself.
@VicThor33 I’m thankful for the opportunities and support that I’ve round with all my special persons. Enjoy and I do not give up.
@thedailybalance Hands down, my husband — the best thing that ever happened to me and the best part of each and every one of my days 😉
@AimeeKnebel My best friends. I would lose my mind without them–they know what I’m thinking before I do!
@mgion I am so grateful for all the wonderful and inspiring people in my life
@cathryanhoward I’m grateful I can stay at home and write and I celebrate the fact by doing just that & happily every day. 🙂
@inspired07 I’m thankful for my 7 yr old Noah who makes me laugh every single day, he seems to have the soul of a funny old man!
@heatherdenton I’m most thankful for my beautiful, healthy family & I acknowledge this daily with love, appreciation, hugs, kisses #IMT
@magwriterus I’m grateful for the ones I have been entrusted to love. I look up to the stars and thank God for them every night. <3
@izzyjsmom I’m most thankful for my family, try to call each of them and tell them I love them every day.
@djrski3 I am most grateful for the love that surrounds me each day from family, friends and sometimes total strangers
@kbprototype Most thankful for the family and friends that surround me. I say a prayer for each and every one of them every night.
@2inspired I’m thankful for my husband, my health, my family and for the opportunity to write full-time at home every day!
@debsoul Most thankful 4 the Joy of Brilliance that dances thru me in this life & 4 all those dancing with me. Celebrate JOY! Most thankful 4 Love, Hope, Peace, Harmony, JOY, Passion, Abundance, Health & their reflection in my life.
@djrski3 I am most grateful for the love that surrounds me each day from family, friends and sometimes total stranger.
@Mr_ILiVe4ME For great friends & family They are there for you even when they shouldn’t be! They are your invisible shields always @ work.
@AuthenticStyle I’m most thankful for: My family, my freedom, my ability to make a difference, time to live, love, laugh and LEARN! 🙂
@ChrisCade I am grateful for my current illness and injury because I’m reminded how much I really do have that I take for granted.
@FABShows I give thanks daily for the basics that I have in my life: a roof, electricity, food, etc. It keeps my grounded & humble.
@cybercutie I am thankful for being alive and I follow my voice everyday. I remain true to myself.
@crystal_bubbles I am most thankful for my friends and family, I don’t think I could live without them!
@CarlStange “Am most thankful for my own awakening that continues to vibrate through & to All”.
@ArtCareerDeva The pure joy of being alive, touching and being touched by the creative fire that started it all, that lives in all of us.
@glenna_boo I’m thankful for a great family, awesome friends, a place to live, food & water to intake, the simple things.
@MykaB I’m grateful 4 all God has Blessed me w/ so I try 2 b a Blessing 2 someone else… I call it “Passing the Blessing” DO IT!!!
@Aztecfenyx Most grateful for beginning anew & LOA and being able to teach babies that same way to live and giving them the world.
@Alteredatti My girl (which happens to be a dog).
@loxly I’m thankful every FOR every day. After losing important people in my life young, I know the value of each day.
@solaroy Most thankful being blessed to love my wife and two sons & to celebrate life with them; thankful to be passionate about life.
@Olufunmike I’m most thankful for those times I was low but came out of it a better person.
@kerrilw I am thankful for constant personal growth. I look at things with an open mind. Things get tough, but it’s all education.
@emilyc66 I am most thankful for life itself, and for the love that surrounds me each day from my great family and friends.
@mom25andi I’m thankful for my church & I celebrate that by living a good life and keeping my covenant with the church family!
@ziekencam I most grateful 4 LOVE! It makes the world go round!!!! Best way to celebrate it is showing gratitude!!!
@champlings I’m thankful for the gift of life, family and friends.
@BeALegacy Thankful for having 4 children w/diff. behavior styles & being able to speak to them in their own style! Raising up responsible kids.
@empressfena Thankful for Life, health and Strength and the wonderful family that I have been blessed with. 🙂
@XCulture I am most thankful 4 all the people I met & interviewed while working on @fusionview’s & my book http://bit.ly/7H9yum
@preacherrr What R U most thankful 4 & how do u celebrate it every day? LIFE. I am able to do all God has commissioned me to do!!
@scarletterae My active duty soldier tucking me in every night. It’s a small thing but with a deployment emanate, it’s everything.
@wellofcreations That I can make conscious choices everyday to live a more creativity inspired life.
@ColinLewis I am thankful for all God’s bounties & celebrate it every day by always fully observing the beauty all around me.
@NPO113 I’m most thankful for my family. I take time each day to consider all my parents, siblings and wife have done for me.
@vSanjo A chance at a new life in Australia. I might never have celebrated Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t change a thing!
@OneHotMomma I am thankful for love, which I see in my son’s smile, my husband’s eyes, my friends’ hearts and my family’s strength
@IrisJewels I would say I am most thankful for good people in my life. And I celebrate it by doing the small things.
@jdenham I’m most thankful for a God who is forgiving, and will never let go of me as long as I hang on to Him.
@SelfGrowthNow Thankful for the connections I’ve made for my business, and the connections I help others make on my website every day.
@Deaulivery I’m thankful for my parents still + the writings I do everyday for a greater someday! Happy Thanksgiving!
@cnewvine I am grateful for life’s imperfections, as well as for family, friends and my husband. http://bit.ly/7djGKnI’m also grateful for sleeping in on weekends, for street musicians and red wine. http://bit.ly/3fk5nf
@_StaceyChapman Thankful4 my life, my God, my loving husband+beautiful sons. I am thankful4 finding+living my life w/purpose.
@simple_truths Thankful for friends and family!
@DuongSheahan What am I most grateful for? http://bit.ly/8XkGXd {Wishing you the Happiest & Most Blessed Thanksgiving Gail! Hug
@inspiremetoday Possibility, love, friendship, hugs and my wonderful husband and family (especially new grand baby!) I celebrate them everyday by living and loving fully. 🙂
From FaceBook-
Sam Basta Jr
“I’m thankful for having my parents for as long as I did. Since they where born in the 1920’s, grew up through the depression, served & so much during WWII and worked so hard, I think they where truly the “Greatest Generation”.
Elizabeth Gould:
“Truly, deeply grateful for family–those connections that reach back my entire life, those foundation relationships. This includes new members of the family too, even if the relationships don’t have the history–yet–there’s the promise of permanence. ”
Nina McLaughlin:
“I am thankful for my son who has helped have a reason to be happy me from the day he was conceived. He is my happy thought (Peter Pan)”
Juli DuBois:
“I am most thankful I woke up to the power of Gratitude. now, I celebrate it daily by doing the “Gratitude Dance!” for ALL in my life!”
THANK YOU again, for being part of my world. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
With gratitude, love and hugs,
p.s. Last week’s question was What’s your greatest wisdom that you’d give to the world in 140 char?
Next week’s question is:
With the holidays fast approaching and $ being tight, what’s the most meaningful FREE gift you can suggest? Be creative!
Please respond by tweeting the answer to @inspiremetoday and include the hashtag #IMT in your response. Thank you!
I am thankful for all the innumerable resources that help you build and become your most confident best self!! THANK YOU THANK YOU DEAR GOD!!!
May what you thank for just become double and triple of what it is..
Pradeep, thank you for your kind comment. I’m grateful that you’re a part of our community.
Big hugs!
Wow, this is such an awesome post! As you said, the replies speak volumes about our humanity. It’s the people who make the tapestries of our lives…not the nice cars, houses, jobs, and things. As with my response (@ScottQuitter) above, without my wife, without friends and family, none of the “things” of life would have the same meaning.
It’s our connection to each other, our humanity, and our fellowship that truly infuses our lives with meaning and joy. So when you asked what we are thankful for, my instant reaction was to connect with the love and joy I experience every day (symbolized and embodied by my wife) for which I’m so deeply grateful.
Thanks for bringing this so clearly into focus for us all at this humble and cherished time of year.
Blessings to you!
It’s so interesting to see what people DON’T say they’re grateful for. Great blog and lovely contributions!