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Life – it’s what we do between the time we get here and when we go. We only get one, and despite what other folks might suppose, it’s ours to determine what to do with it.

We don’t measure life in hours and minutes. We measure life in memories and moments.

What do you think of when you read this sentence? “It was the time of my life”.

We don’t say that often enough.

Life either happens to us, or we take hold of life and live it. Here are 10 ways start living your life.

  1. Give yourself permission to claim your life. You’re the only one who can decide you’re in charge of your life. Turn off the editors, the “shoulds, have tos, and musts”, and the rules that didn’t come from you.
  2. Define what living means to you. Picture yourself at the end of your life looking back. What words would you want to describe how you lived and who you are?
  3. Stop living in the future. Every time you think “when I have time I will,” stop. Ask yourself, “Why not now?” Choose your life every morning.
  4. Surround yourself with people who enjoy living. They’ve obviously discovered how to have live. Why not hang with the pros?
  5. Lay down your pain and your anger. Carrying them around makes living harder and less fun. It doesn’t bring anything, and it steals a lot.
  6. Let the other guy win. Don’t argue about things that you don’t care about. Unless there’s a threat, let folks prove what they need to prove. Why waste living time trying to fix what doesn’t matter?
  7. Create energy. Jump to forgiveness and love, then figure things out. Most conclusions we imagine are both wrong and negative. Negative conclusions lead us to prepare a defense. Being defensive isn’t living. It’s hiding from life.
  8. Learn the physical symptoms of when your head and heart become disconnected. We know when we’re behaving badly. Key into to how it feels physically. Know the symptoms, and you can stop the behavior. Living will feel safer because you won’t be shooting yourself in the foot.
  9. Take small risks that push your boundaries in every way. When we stretch just a bit intellectually, physically, emotionally, we grow. Living is growing. Even our cells know that.
  10. Value and protect the people and places you care about. Let the people you care about come first, and let everyone know that you do. Re-read numbers 1 and 2.

We come into life with whatever we’ve got. We’re in charge after that. It took me a while to figure that out – that my life isn’t what happens to me – I could take hold of it.

I want to have the time of my life. Have the time of your life.

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Liz Strauss is a conversational blogger, web publisher, and social web strategist who focuses on how people communicate in person, in print, and online.

Coming from a background of publishing, business, and instructional design, Liz is experienced in how people perceive and gain meaning from interacting with books, blogs, and each other — how the head and heart engage to make a fiercely loyal friend and customer. She works with businesses in the US, Europe, Australia, the UK, and Ireland, universities, and individuals on their products and social web strategies to help them seamlessly integrate into the web culture.

Liz has worked with the Cass Business School of City University in London and will soon be working with the International Centre of Publishing at Oxford University. She is a founder of the highly successful business bloggers conference SOBCon, Biz School for Bloggers — that gained the attention of BusinessWeek, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Innovation Initiative of the Kellogg School of Business.

Liz is an educator, a writer, a mom, and a wife who believes that a person whose head, heart and purpose are all focused in the same direction is irresistible. 

For more information, please visit

Comments (6)

  1. Give yourself permission to claim your life. My favorite sentence in this piece Liz. Your tips are ‘common sense’ that we too often don’t practice. Thanks for a good reminder.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful article. One of my best friends passed away two days ago, and your article made me realize how often I had “the time of my life” with my friend during our 33 year friendship that connected us. Thank you allowing me to re-focus on what i important in life.

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