Be a strategic architect for the environment of your life; nothing will impact your life more than the information you consume and people you associate with.
Relationships are THE key to happiness; choose your friends carefully.
Find peace in forgiveness; both in yourself and others
Learn to express compassion while holding yourself and others to high standards
Ask yourself and others quality questions and listen intently
Having extraordinary relationships is more often about becoming the right person than finding the right person
Learn how to meet other people’s needs without neglecting your own needs
Do not shrink yourself in order to please others – live fully
Refuse to get wrapped up in drama and negativity; we see what we seek in ourselves and others. Get fascinated not frustrated; curious not critical
Value the wisdom of others while following your heart
Develop a reputation for giving. Do nice things for people anonymously who can’t repay you, however, remember that giving to yourself IS essential in giving to others
You were born to contribute and share your gifts with the world
Be an ambassador and force for all that is good
Take care of your body; it takes care of you
Laugh and smile so that your face hurts
Connect with nature and do something physical each day
Keep things in perspective and live in gratitude
Travel the world and explore other ways of living – find joy in the adventure
Believe in yourself and others
Life has contradictions; there can be two right answers
Be where you are
Feed yourself positive information daily
Make a list of your values and read them often
Trust your heart, intuition and instincts – they are your best life guides; they are pure
You’re mind is powerful beyond measure – use it responsibly
For your birthday, remember that you ARE the present, and to BE present
You don’t have to know the future to be certain about the present
Finding your voice is the key to personal growth, and helping others find theirs is the key to paying it forward
You cannot not matter
There are no failures; just moments of discovery
Spend less than you earn. Strike a healthy balance between investing in experiences today and saving for memories of tomorrow
Personal growth doesn’t have to mean discovering something new about yourself, but can simply mean remembering what’s great about yourself
Choose meaning carefully; it will be cause of your rise or demise
Make a list of all the things you want to do, experience, feel, share, have and give in your lifetime – put it somewhere you’ll see it often
Constantly challenge yourself and others to create fulfilling, dynamic and authentic lives
Record your life with words, pictures, video, art and memories
Live life in the front row
Great advice, Jon 😊👍.