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1) Don’t be afraid to fail. In each of our failures there is a something to gain or learn from. Sometimes the simple lesson is in learning what not to do. What we often perceive as a “failure” is actually just a lesson that life is teaching us. Try a different approach.

2) Don’t be afraid to speak up and use your voice. Too often we hold back from saying what we really want to say or mean to say. Sometimes the biggest regrets we have are the things we never said to someone while they were still around to hear it.

3) It’s okay to feel your feelings. We’ve come to a stage in existence where we’re told that any display of genuine emotion makes us “weak” or “crazy”. The brute mentality of “feelings are lame” seems to have taken over. We must change this. Our feelings are what make us human. We are not robots and we shouldn’t be expected to act as such. If something makes you feel something inside – it’s okay to feel it. It’s okay to express it. Don’t let other people, the media or social media bully you into believing that your feelings are bad, dumb, crazy or wrong. Your feelings are valid and you are entitled to them. However, you are not entitled to act out in harmful ways towards yourself or others due to your feelings. If one is allowed to actually express and feel their feelings, the need for acting out will diminish.

4) Create art, play games, be silly and don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn how to laugh at yourself and realize that it’s okay to be wrong sometimes. You’re just human like everyone else and no one expects you to be perfect. 

No one really has it all together or figured out. Just when you think you do, life will prove you wrong. Everyone is just another someone making their way through this world.

5) Integrity means to do what’s right even when no one else is around to praise you or commend you for it. Own your words and and actions and take responsibility for what you do and say. Your words and actions will come to define your character.

6) When you love yourself and learn to be happy with who you are and what you have, everything else will fall into place because the Universe is one huge reflective mirror giving back to us what we’re showing of ourselves. It is neither good, nor bad. It just is and it responds in kind as a reflection. This is one of my personal secrets to happiness. I learned how to love and accept myself, flaws and all.

7) Express yourself. Be yourself. Live your life on your own terms. We are all reflections of each other and we are all sparks of the Universe experiencing itself subjectively. We are one. But there is only one version of you. You matter. So, don’t be afraid to take chances, say what you mean, feel your feelings, and live your life on your terms so long as you cause no harm to yourself or others.

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Jacqui Blue is an emerging filmmaker; director, writer, and Certified Hypnotherapist who specializes in hypnosis for childbirth and past life regressions.

Jacqui Blue has a lifetime background in theater and writing. After achieving international acclaim with her first film Beautiful Births, she was one of 10 Directors selected by James Franco for his Master Class, "Sex Scenes". She went on to work with Jared Padalecki & T.O.N.E-z  in her second documentary, I Chose Life: Stories of Suicide & Survival and appears on-screen next to Lou Diamond Phillips in The Last Train.


For more information, please visit

Comments (19)

  1. Thank you Jacqui for a great article. I spent a lot of my life trying to please others instead of loving and expressing myself. This impacted negatively both on my health and friendships. It has taken me a long time to become aware of and live your, “7 steps to be inspired.” I am happy and healthy mentally, physically and emotionally since I am no longer fearful of showing the world who I really am.

    1. Jacqui, you are gifted with expressing yourself and helping others with “words of wisdom.” May you be blessed with health, happiness, prosperity and naches from
      your 5 beautiful sons. We love you ! Bubbee

    2. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It is a powerful thing to be able to accept oneself but it is an even more empowering thing to release the fear associated with believing in and loving yourself.

  2. I love that you encourage to express yourself and your feelings. I agree, less people would act out if we didn’t feel the need to hide how we felt. Thanks for sharing these inspiring words! Also, love your work with Beautiful Births documentary, it was a pleasure to collaborate with you last year 🙂

    1. You’re welcome and thank you for the kind words. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed Beautiful Births. I have a few other projects I’m excited to share with the world when they’re completed, so I hope you’ll stay tuned to my projects.

  3. Be and express yourself… Wonderful words of wisdom in this “PC” world and thought contaminating and “brain washing” mass news media! Thank you, Jacqui!
    Peter S. Griffin

  4. I’m still tryng to “love myself” it is hard at times. Thank you so very much of putting things in perspective.

    1. Loving ourselves can be one of the hardest things to learn to do. You’re not alone there. Self care is important to our overall health and well being. You’re welcome. Thank you taking the time to read and comment.

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