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1. Here today, gone today – live life now! Security is an illusion, so seize life today.

2. Follow your inner compass – your intuition. When you commit to the journey, you will always end up in a place you describe and recognise as better than your starting point.

For me, intuition is a feeling I get in my stomach that a certain course of action should be pursued- normally it makes no sense from a rational perspective! For others, it is a compelling inner voice, sending them on their journey.

The key is to find out how your intuition delivers. Then, once you’ve identified it, use it as your compass. The more you use it, the stronger this “core muscle” works.

3. Don’t commit your dreams and aspirations to the “normal” pros and cons approach. Remember, in the context of your dreams, knowledge will always give you enough reasons not to act.

4. Self awareness is the most important attribute a leader could develop, according to the Stanford Business School Advisory Committee, so start the journey today. Remember seeing, not solving, the problem is the ultimate challenge. When you are on the trip, you start to see!

5. Become a sponge – move towards expert status in your niche! You are a lot less than 10,000 hours away from not just getting, but creating a job! A commitment to ongoing learning is a key attribute of achievers.

6. Discover your purpose: live on flow and you’ll never truly work another day in your life! Reflect on your values and interests – this may give you an insight into your bliss.

7. Model off past success strategies. Even some of the highest achievers I have worked with around the world in companies had a disempowering inner dialogue running.

The fact is, you have already shown you have what it takes to live the dreams. As a child, you mastered the art of walking and talking by intuitively knowing that failure brought you closer to success. The Global Entrepreneurial Monitor highlights “fear of failure” as the number one obstacle for potential entrepreneurs.

“Fear” or “failure” were not an issue when you were a child. Add to that the levels of creativity you enjoyed as a child… the ability to let emotions come and go… how curious you were… and you will realise you have truly shown you have what it takes to re-engage in life.

8. Be open to the fact that everybody can be your teacher – from the most annoying person in your life at the moment to the uninhibited child. This type of thinking will open the door to teachers that will show you the way!

9. Take the first step NOW! Crossing the bridge from inaction to action may be the longest bridge in the world, but when you get to the other side, watch your life transform into one of magic and adventure! Remember, the first step can be small or big!

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Kevin Kelly is an Internationally Acclaimed Motivational Speaker -after graduating with a Commerce degree in 1987, he proceeded to break sales record in each of the companies his worked for.

Over the past two decades, he has keynoted at events around the world including the Middle East, Far East, Europe and the US - most recently keynotting as the Closing Speaker for MDRT in Korea.

Kevin weaves his magic with a cocktail of exercises, information and stories that are based on his unique experiences around the world, inside and outside corporate corridors. From challenging himself to write a bestseller even though limited by a poor grade in English, to going from high income to low income and back when he decided to follow his passion, to breaking sales records in many companies, Kevin is a unique motivational speaker who more than walks the path of his own philosophies.

Born in the West of Ireland where he still lives with his wife Deirdre and son Conor, his other book titles include his Business Book "Basics before Buzz" and "Life: A Trip Towards Trust." In addition, he has produced three motivational CD's Good Enough - Now go get it; Setting, getting and forgetting Goals and Compelling Communication Strategies. (All now translated into Farci.)

Kevin has appeared many times on National TV and radio shows in Ireland, UK, USA and most recently featured on the front page of Success Magazine in Iran.

"Honesty, Integrity and Passion" - these are the three things you get when you recruit Kevin as a Motivational Keynote speaker according to research conducted amongst his key customers.

For more information, please visit

Comments (3)

  1. Its lovely the way people are willing to share what they have discovered on their journey and being human its always good when those philosophies resonates with thoughts you have yourself Thank you Mark May the message of Easter bring joy to all x

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