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Living the GratiDude Way means remembering the power of “thank you.” In a world of duality, we are given only two choices really… we can either be grateful, or we can be ungrateful.

Everything in life is a matter of perception. We are the ones who give each moment the power to be “good” or “bad,” we make the conscious choice of labeling it one or the other at the time of its conception. When we focus on what’s going wrong and what’s missing from our lives, we miss all the incredible things that we have to be grateful for.

When we choose to adopt an attitude of gratitude as our way of being, all of a sudden our problems begin to disappear. It’s not that they necessarily “go away,” it’s that we have a newfound perception of them and we’re able to see the blessings on the other side.

The Law of Attraction is in motion, each and every moment of our lives and everything that is happening around us we are attracting in some way, sometimes consciously, other times unconsciously. Many times we observe things we don’t necessarily like or want. In moments such as these, it is important that we say “Thank You.”

It may sound a little crazy to say thank you when “the soup hits the fan,” but if you do, that is when you get to see the true magic of life unfold. Humans have the ability to get attached to specific outcomes and labels. When this happens we’re unable to see all the soul-utions that are available.

Saying the words “Thank You” again and again when challenges arise cause the “fog” to lift and tunnel vision to broaden, which allows us to see the beauty and lessons in each situation, and therefore experience the positive side to everything.

Like anything, if we want to get good at something, it takes practice, patience and dedication. What better thing to get good at than LIFE!? If you choose to get good at life, then you’re going to have to commit to the process! Start today by saying “Thank You” to everything that shows up and commit yourself to “living your life the GratiDude Way.”

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I help creative, entrepreneurial, freedom-seekers who are on a seriously awesome mission to share their gifts, serve the world and build a meaningful business that aligns with their passions to get clear, intentional & focused so they can create what they actually want in life.

I have consciously crafted my freedom lifestyle to align with everything I love most. I live in paradise on a small island with my wife and I am actively pursuing my life-long dream of playing professional golf. The way I fund my lifestyle is by creating transformatonial eCourses which have reached people in 27+ countries, producing comedy + music marketing videos with my best friends in my home studio and by coaching leaders and world-changers to rock their gifts and (#GSD) Get Shit Done while having fun!

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