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We are all unique individuals with our experiences, culture, perspectives, and beliefs. We need to embrace these differences that define us and own who we are in order to be true to ourselves.

So often people feel they need to conform, fade back and shy away from what truly makes them unique and special to all of those around them. We need to be free to show up as ourselves and let our own light shine in all we do.

Not only do we need to accept ourselves, but we need to be open to others and their differences. Even when we don’t agree or understand, we need to be tolerant and accepting that others may find a different path.

Part of owning our authentic self is living a life that is purposeful to us. What are you passionate about? What makes you stand up and shout ‘YES!’ And at the end of the day, what gives you a sense of accomplishment that you have made a difference in some small or big way?

These are the activities you should pursue and fill your days with. Many people live their lives regretting that they didn’t do something that they had always dreamed they’d want to do. What is stopping you? I say go out and do your dream – make it your reality.

I challenge you to draw a circle and divide it up by where you spend your time each day – how much of your 24 hour day is spent sleeping, working, with family, with friends, exercising, meditation/spiritual, etc…

Are you happy with how you are spending your time? Are you focusing on what’s important to you? Are you maintaining a healthy balance? So many times we let life have its way with us instead of managing what’s important to us. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day activities and lose sight of what is truly important.

I made a shift in my life a couple of years ago after making this very same assessment. I was not balanced in what was important to me. I was not spending any time on my health/fitness, I wasn’t sleeping enough, and I no longer found purpose in the work I was doing. I made a conscious decision to leave my executive career in the IT industry and begin several entrepreneurial ventures.

I carefully chose what I embarked on by what was purposeful and what I had passion about. I regained balance in my daily life. I embarked on an exercise regimen that lead me to become a triathlete where I swim, bike and run my way to keeping in shape. I wake up every day and know that every moment is meaningful and the work I do matters.

It is magical to take your passion and sense of purpose and focus your work in that direction. The possibilities and opportunities are endless!

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Kim Box is Founder, CEO & President of Kamere, Inc. a software technology company with the mission to Amplify the Power of Inspiration to Uplift Humanity. provides daily inspiration curated from the top inspiration throughout the internet.

Kim is also an inspirational leader, writer and speaker. She is a former Vice President at Hewlett-Packard where she led global organizations of over 10,000 employees in over 100 locations. She has a desire to share her passion about leadership focused on diversity and authenticity. She left her corporate career and embarked on writing and publishing the book Woven Leadership with the intention to inspire both aspiring and experienced leaders to look at diversity as a competitive imperative. Kim is a Director on the American River Bank Board of Directors.

She is active in her community serving on various nonprofit boards and as Executive Director of Pathway to Prevention a nonprofit with a mission of prevention and early intervention of teenage drug and alcohol addiction. She lives in Granite Bay, CA with her family and achieves life balance by spending time with family and friends along with training and competing in triathlons.

For more information, please visit

This Post Has 6 Comments

    1. I cannot more than agree. Once I dreamed of only just words which till now I still remember this words:
      Observe, not absorb
      Accept, no expect
      Protect and Love.

      I chewed those words, digest it and now and then, it is a kind of reminder for me; when we expect, we’ll be disappoint. If we accept that we are all a unique individual with different background, we are more peaceful.

  1. i think that you make a really important point, namely giving serious reflection to how we distribute the 24 hours(ours) that are provided: in my case i somewhat begrudge sleeping my life away(chronic fatigue syndrome?), though i welcome feeling refreshed and re-energized; it’d be nice to situate the balance of the various components that allows you to sail( not race) through life
    thank you

  2. What you do in a 24 hour period can be downright draining, even without any physical element whatsoever. Personally, I have began to see how much time I waste on worry and fretting. Seeing how I spend my days on paper has provided a great deal of insight and awareness. Thank you!

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