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You are magnificent. Make no mistake about that. In you, is the magic of stardust, the possibility for the dawning of consciousness, the music of the ages. Into your hands, the future of our beautiful Earth is entrusted. May your fine mind become an enlightened servant of your heart. You need not go anywhere at all, for this to become your path. You need not do anything fancy, either. Who you are is more than enough.

May your will be strengthened through softening as you rise up to meet all challenges brought to your door. May you know that ‘peace which passes all understanding,’ and the joy that comes from giving over your heart with complete delight, as my friend Helen would say, “To the one next thing before you.”

You are my Sister, my Brother. Always remember you are not alone. Fear not. You are surrounded, filled and protected by love, for in Truth, your origin and destination is Love. It matters not what you believe. Love is. Always remember love is our only option. War has never healed on the interior or exterior. Together, let us find and walk the Road to Peace, for here is where the Great Happiness resides.

My friend, never doubt you are desperately needed by this world. Even on particularly horrific “bad hair days,” you shine in the darkness. Although you do not recognize your radiance as you might, remember it is noted, it is noticed.

On those days when you doubt, and your knees tremble in secret misgivings, do remember that you, like the butterfly, were sent here with purpose, even if you feel inept in naming what it is. No purpose is too small. Consider that just as an oak lives in the stillness of the tiny acorn, your mission calls from the Great Stillness of your heart. Take time, my dear, each day, and evening, to enter the silence within—that space beyond your roles, duties, failures, successes; that place where you are free to be who you most naturally are.

Dip deeply into this well. Refresh your weary Spirit. Nourish your soul. Lay down all burdens, and cares. And then recall that you’ve come here as an instrument of something Greater than the little monkey mind. You have come to this earth as a recording instrument, with the precise talents, even if undeveloped, to tell your story of what it means for you to be a human being that suffers and rejoices, who grieves, and gives birth to greater possibility.

Never, ever doubt your process. Then, forgive yourself, when you do. Treat yourself with greater courtesy. Trust your process. Take action on your inner G.P.S. system every single day. The Way is much more organic and forgiving than you suspect. Invest in your deepest heart’s desire. Release all that holds you hostage, stale. Laugh much more. Find new friends in strangers, and the unfamiliar in the familiar. Celebrate your roots, and your chosen kin. Assume the best. Stand up in the full authority of who you really are, and that Greater Intelligence that Called you here. Waste no more time in hesitation and striving for perfection. Life is too short to miss the dance.

One more thing: we’ve got your back! You are neither the first, nor will you be the last on this trail. Others have gone before. Take our hand. Move from ‘me’ to ‘we.’ It’s way more fun! Great things can happen for those who don’t need the credit. There’s a map for mapless places. Chaos precedes creative breakthrough, and life renewed. Enjoy life more, and worry less. Forget your collections. There’s no carry-on luggage on our final flight. As the Gnostic Gospels put it: “If you do not bring forward what’s within you, what’s within you will destroy you. But if you bring forward what’s within you, what’s within you will heal and save you.” Today, bring forward. Rest in the knowing that you are Love.

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With 40 years professional career in the Transformation and Wellness Industry, where there has been tremendous demand for her contribution in industry, corporate America, education, healthcare, and prisons, Cara has authored a number of works including World Weary Woman: Her Wound and Transformation (Inner City), Grieving the Loss of a Child; Reclaiming Your Feminine Authority; Healing Your Body (Sounds True), and more.

With a long track record in transformational settings, Barker headed the Advanced Training Department for Lifespring, and has been a lead contributor in other transformational companies as well, here and cross-culturally. More impressive than even this, however, is the fact that she ‘walks the walk' when it comes to transforming loss, such as that of her only son. Barker's paintings and prose have been featured in The Artist As Poet, as well as in shows in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Baltimore, and Bellevue, Tapei and Toyko.

She maintains a private practice in Bellevue, Wa., as well as public practice here and abroad, and resides in Kirkland, Washington. She is a member of I.W.W.G., I.A.A.P., P.S.N.J.A., A.N.A., I.E.A.T.A., as well as other professional organizations.

For more information, please visit

Comments (6)

  1. Dear Cara,Thank you for the wise words.Beautiful indeed! Lately,i’ve been zeroing in on the power of my heart.It’s become my true compass to happiness.Shifting from mind to heart has saved my life.
    “My mind is a servant of my heart” Well said Cara. Thanks again! Tom

  2. This is truth distilled to a very digestible, palpable, delicious, nourishing meal for the soul, mind and body. We all need to partake of this often. Thank you Cara for expressing it so eloquently. All manor of goodness and blessings on your journey with Love.

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