Trust. It allows you to be present in the here and now, it allows you to face the world with calmness and centeredness. Trust gives you the ability to easily let go and let God. Trust puts you in the zone and allows you to be the channel for the power of the Universe to flow through you, as you. Through Trust you will be supported in every way.
The biggest thing that has changed my life has been learning Trust. It’s not just about knowing what trust means, or being able to talk about it and explain it. Learning Trust is learning how to have trust in your mind, body and heart. It is having an unquestioning, undoubting faith that is Trust.
It is a knowing and feeling deep down that there something out there bigger and wiser than you are. That the wise all-knowing-consciousness exists in an incomprehensible way to support you, take care of you, guide you, always be there for you.
The only problem in attaining Trust, is that you have to experience it to really have it. It seems that others may be born with a natural trust in a greater power. But not everyone is, and if you weren’t born with it, you can still attain Trust.
In pondering how to gain more trust in the Universe, trust in God, to really know that it works and have no doubt, you may be asking “how do I get rid of doubt?” The answer is, doubt is just like negative thoughts, you get rid of them by replacing it with good thoughts just like you replace doubt with trust. That may seem too simple, but it works, whenever you doubt, replace that thought with a trusting one. It does take practice.
Slowly, you’ll see things begin to change, as it did for me. Your trusting will bring you more confidence, more solace because the evidence will begin to reveal itself. Synchronicities will start to appear. Events, people and situations will pop up, seemingly to help you get to where you need to be, or where you want to go in ways that are better than you could have imagined. Things can miraculously manifest for you that are the perfect places to go, to be or to do.
You will be able to have more patience, let go and let God, worry less, and go through life without anxiety. You will start to see how the Universe can work through you to touch others in magical ways, all because you trust that all is in divine perfect order and you’ll know deep down that it was real. You will then have attained Trust.
You are taken care of, all is meant to be for a reason, and you don’t need to know the reason. You just need to Be. You can experience Trust: it begins with your thoughts and your willingness to try.
Lisa, you hit the nail on the head with this article😊👍!
I absolutely agree with you… we need to stop trying to figure things out and just let it all go.
We need to rest, relax and trust.