You are only what you give
You reap only where you’ve sown
You attract only what you respect
You create only what you say
You become only what you honor
You overcome only what you face
You trust only what you believe
You have only what you let go
You lose only what you hold on to
And your goodness is only reflected in your legacy.
One restaurant is known for its chicken that is done right, another is known for its French fries, and another is known for its hamburger. Like the preparation of food, your life will be remembered for one thing. May it be that you found the recipe for love.
There are several ways to perfect love. When pricked, bleed love. When you are attacked with hatred and you react in kind, your nature is no different. However, when you are attacked and you do not react, you know that your nature has risen in love. A lover cannot turn love off, and neither can a hater turn hate off. You are your nature.
When you focus on a minor infraction of hate, you will miss major encounters of passionate love. To care is automatic when you are compassionate. It’s easy to find good in another when your goodness considers it not a loss to do so.
A padlock requires a sequence of numbers to open. Likewise, never give access to your heart without a series of precise love actions.
Only allow a person to love you according to the way you want and need to be loved, and not his. Your love must be under your direction and management. When a person loves you for who you are now, they celebrate your past as the gift that carried you, and is grateful for the future filled with the promise of your love.
When you do only what you love, all that you know will be love. Your conduct matters. To love makes a difference, to hate stops the difference and to be indifferent doesn’t involve a difference at all. Therefore, choose love.
Your love does not lose its value, because another person can not appraise your net worth. When you build your whole world around love, your heart never will be without a home. When you do so, the world will have a true resting place.
Becoming love is your birthright, your duty as a world citizen, and that which is expected of you. You have no choice in this matter. The only thing that is left is to decide is which method to use. Be kind to your friends and bless your enemies. Either way, you’ve got to love.
Here’s my final thought and my wish for you today:
May you dwell in shady green pastures, may you hear doves sing their anthem of goodwill and peace, and may the love of the universe embrace you and keep you safe in blissful rest.
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